Monday, December 19, 2011

wht yall know about it chemtrials

Why Chemtrails?

Why is Anyone Interested In Spraying Chemtrails?

I have taken a lot of time to assemble this story because I firmly believe that chemtrails are harming and killing people.00000000000000000000000000.

We have all witnessed the continuing trail of dying celebrities. Many of us have also witnessed our friends and relatives falling sick or dying in the past few years.

But in my own documented experience, you can clearly see from the list of ailments that I am experiencing from chemtrails (on the Ailments page) that the symptoms of mercury poisoning and chemtrail poisoning are identical. Combined with the fact that many of the symptoms we experience during spraying can only be attributed to mercury poisoning, we now have strong symptomatic evidence that chemtrails do indeed contain mercury.

This conclusion naturally leads us to the question, “Why?”

Having studied law (personally, not in school) and spending a lot of time studying political scandals and corruption, I have come to the firm conclusion that there are multiple purposes for the chemtrail campaign.
Cover your ankles
Population control
Centralization of power

Cover Your Ankles

First, it’s a cover-your-ankles campaign.

The pharmaceutical industry is currently poised on the edge of a cliff because of potential litigation resulting from the death and harm caused by mercury in vaccines. Add to this the rapidly-growing percentage of the population that has learned about mercury and is now refusing vaccines. This has caused human exposure to mercury to drop dramatically.

State’s Constitutional Militias: Sovereign Militias Buy More Firearms In 3 Months, Than What It Takes To Outfit The Entire Chinese And Indian Armies Combined!

With this sudden drop in mercury exposure, you would expect mercury-related diseases — including autism — to decline. This decline would provide compelling epidemiological (population-based) data that would (again) point to mercury as the cause.

With the mountain of data that already exists condemning mercury as a major cause of disease, this epidemiological data could tip the scales and cause a landslide of litigation that would bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry — a good thing, in this author’s opinion.

To prevent this landslide, the pharmaceutical companies had to find a way to distribute mercury in the population. Chemtrails are the perfect solution because inhaled mercury is very similar to injected mercury, in that it is immediately available to the bloodstream.


Furthermore, drenching the population in mercury has the added benefit of making millions of people sick, which is the way pharmaceutical corporations grew to be the second largest industry in the world, second only to oil. They sell people the instrument of disease (toxins in vaccines), then they sell people the solution. It’s called “Machiavellianism” and it’s a great — albiet evil — way to get rich quick.

It’s important to realize that the pharmaceutical companies are not working alone. They don’t have the jets and other infrastructure, nor the authority, required to carry out an operation of this magnitude. This would take the federal government and the military working together.

Enter, population control.

Population Control

It is well-known among contemporary researchers that a modern-day population control agenda is aggressively under way. I’ll provide evidence to back this up in a moment.

There are two modalities to population control:
Sterilization: Decreasing reproduction will slow population growth. If reproduction falls below a factor of 2.1, then population will actually begin decreasing.
Murder: Ending life is an obvious method of population reduction, but if this modality is being executed as a matter of public policy, then it must be done in ways that do not make it apparent to the public.

Few know that mercury is the perfect poison, fulfilling both of the above requirements.

Chemtrail Spraying is Illegal Under U.S. Law
U.S. Legal Code – US House of Representatives / TITLE 50, CHAPTER 32, Sec.1520a

Sec. 1520a. – Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents

A. Prohibited activities
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) -
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.

B. Exceptions – Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.

C. Informed consent required
The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.

D. Prior notice to Congress
Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees.

E. ”Biological agent” defined
In this section, the term ”biological agent” means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing -
(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
(2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or
(3) deleterious alteration of the environment

Mercury Kills

Mercury causes cancer, miscarriage, and a host of other very popular diseases that end or severely shorten lifespans. The greatest benefit of the use of mercury in this regard is the fact that these diseases are rarely associated with mercury in modern medicine; therefore, people never suspect that their diseases or the death of their loved ones was intentionally induced.

Mercury Sterilizes

Mercury is specifically toxic to both the male and female reproductive systems. It induces sterility, yet, this symptom of mercury poisoning is completely ignored in modern medical training.

The details of this induced sterility are discussed in the video by Dr. David Ayoub called “Mercury, Autism, and the Global Vaccine Agenda“. This is one of the most important videos that any parent will ever watch. Please take the time to do so.

Modern-Day Population Control Policy

Population control is a hot subject. It is also a subject that is polarized: you either know all about it or you know nothing about it.

There is no sense in explaining current population control policy or agendas because many have already done this very effectively. So, I will provide you with a few links below that will introduce and document the subject. I trust that you — as a loving parent, and humanitarian — will follow up by searching the internet for more information. The information is available, well-documented, and easy to find.

Following are the documentation links.

Mercury, Autism, and the Global Vaccine Agenda

This is the most important video that any parent can watch. It explains and thoroughly documents the population-reduction agenda and how it is being executed — in part — through global vaccination programs.

Agenda 21: United Nations Population Reduction

The United Nations wants to reduce world population. Leaders have openly stated that they want to eliminate between 2 and 4.5 billion people. They are serious. This agenda is clearly already well underway.

Population Control: The Eugenics Connection

Population reduction (mass murder) not new. It is a belief system rooted in secular humanism and promoted for the past 100 years. You will be shocked to see who the major players have been in promoting the elimination of billions of humans.

New Study Steers Mercury Blame Away From Vaccines Toward Environment: But Where’s It Coming From?

Pharmaceutical companies are shifting the blame for mercury poisoning away from vaccines. They are now blaming the environment, which begs the question: How did all that mercury get into the environment so quickly?

New Age Religion: A New Mindset for Peaceful Depopulation

A short video explaining what some of the most powerful men in the world believe. By understanding their belief system, you will understand why they consider population reduction “the right thing to do”.

From Christianity To Babylon

A powerful expose that clearly connects the line between the belief system of current world leaders, and the ancient “Mysteries” (their word) that originated in Babylon. This is a must-view for serious Bible scholars.

Centralization of Power

The third major purpose of chemtrails opens a Pandora’s box of conspiracy and conjecture, yet, all available evidence indicates that the world is undergoing a major political shift that is thrusting every nation — against the will of the people — toward a centralization of power. Nearly all nations of the world have surrendered their sovereignty to the United Nations in the past 20 years. This has been accomplished through a series of changes in law that either “harmonize” national law with United Nations policy, or subjugates national law to United Nations authority.

These massive, yet relatively silent, changes to the political structure of the world are drawing a picture that looks eerily similar to prophetic pictures seen in the Bible.

I’ll leave the detailed research of this intriguing subject in your capable hands, but I will condense this massive concept to this all-important residue:

The shift of power — although already legally accomplished — will take much coersion in order to bring the hearts and minds of the people of various nations into acceptance. The most effective fundamental method of mass coersion is through the use of fear, and few things can induce fear more effectively than a perceived shortage of food.

The punch line for this coersion of the people to accept a centralization of power is this:

In order to unify the nations, you must create a new structure — or order — from a synthesized chaos. This chaos must be global and it must be frightening enough to coerse people into giving up their basic human rights in exchange for security: Security provided by — you guessed it — the United Nations.

So, where does the chaos come from?

It comes from the deterioration of the environment.

REMOVE vitamins w/Codex Aliemtarius, KILL microbiologists, STEP UP mycoplasma/chemtrails

Since chemtrail spraying began in various places around the world, we have seen a growing number of anomalous events that seem to be connected. There have been bats dying, the loss of entire ladybug colonies, square-miles of oceans covered in an unknown fiberous organism similar to Morgellons, and now the mysterious loss of trees. Are the trees dying of some known disease? No, their bark is turning white from the ground up as if they are pulling something up from the soil. Some have postulated that this white substance is aluminum, a substance that tests have shown to be a component of chemtrails.

Naturally, the architects of this plan will blame overpopulation for the visible Earth changes, environmental issues, drought, famine, pestilence, and whatever other problems they induce. These fearful changes will provide the emotional justification that individual people need to change their values and be willing to accept a loss of personal rights in exchange for security, food, and other commercial “benefits and services”.

So the ultimate outcome of the destruction of the environment by chemtrails is the centralization of power: The justification for the need for a global government to solve global problems – problems they created.

The thing I absolutely hate about chemtrails is the way they affect my health, yet the single biggest fact that I hope people gain from this article is this:

Chemtrails cause symptoms that are identical to mercury poisoning.

My experience with mercury poisoning from amalgam ("silver") dental fillings is a perfect subset of chemtrail symptoms. I say subset because chemtrails do produce a few extra symptoms that mercury did not produce, but every single mercury symptom that I had from mercury-based fillings occurs when chemtrails are sprayed.

I am a physically-sensitive person. For this reason, chemtrails affect me more than others. However, we must not be naive. Mercury damages or kills nearly everything it touches. If mercury is being sprayed in chemtrails, then you are being damaged by it, whether you feel it or not.

There is no study in existence where a cell is put in a dish with mercury and the cell is not destroyed.

Mercury is toxic in any dose, but symptoms may not always be noticeable. They often (not always) take a long time to manifest and do a lot of damage in the mean time.

Mercury symptoms are also mental and emotional and they manifest in many different ways. For this reason, people may not make the connection between mercury and their grumpiness, racing or looping thoughts, depression, bad memory, anxiety, OCD, hyperactivity, teeth-grinding, ringing in the ears, or PMS.

I have paid very careful attention to the physical effects that chemtrail spraying has had on me. I have done this both to help myself recover through herbal and nutritional supplementation, and to share this information with others so they can more effectively battle the chemtrail-induced ailments they are suffering.

I would like to see this information used as evidence or testimony in reports, articles, investigations, or lawsuits that can be used to help put an end to this crime against humanity.
Mercury Symptoms: Intensity Over Time

The following chart drives home the connection between mercury and chemtrails in my personal experience. It displays the general average intensity of all mercury symptoms between 1990 and late 2010 (November).

This chart provides a timeline showing the progression of mercury-related symptoms from 1990 to late 2010. Here we see the immedate elimination of all 17 physical symptoms (and emotional and mental symptoms) after amalgam fillings were removed. When widespread chemtrail spraying (geoengineering) began in 2005, symptoms suddenly and dramatically rose again. After moving to Maine, symptoms decreased considerably, but quickly increased over the following two years.

In 1995, my body's ability to store mercury reached it's maximum capacity. When dealing with mercury poisoning in autistic children, this is the point in time when they say, "Your (mercury) bucket is full." This is the point that mercury symptoms begin to increase rapidly over a short period of time.

Based on the people that I've spoken with over the past 10 years (there have been many), it seems to take an average of 5 years for people to discover that mercury is the cause of their health problems. During this time, they visit doctors, get diagnosed with various diseases (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, etc.), are prescribed various pharmaceuticals, and continually wonder what is wrong with their body.

At the end of this ~5 year period, people are angry or tired enough to begin researching on their own. It generally takes only one day to a few weeks of personal internet research to come across the concept of mercury poisoning.

This connection between a person's symptoms and mercury poisoning occurs at about 35 years of age (on average). I was right in the middle of the average. I discovered the mercury connection in 2000 when I was 35.

I had my fillings removed in July of 2005 and over 80% of my symptoms were gone in 24 hours. Over the next 3 months, all of the rest of my 17 physical symptoms vanished. Over the next 18 months, my emotional and mental symptoms - which I had since my teen years when silver fillings were first installed - were completely gone.

The approximately 4½ years between late 2000 and 2005 were absolute bliss. They were the best years of my life both physically and emotionally. All my mercury symptoms disappeared completely. Regardless of what I tried to do, I could not make the symptoms come back.

In 2005, all of the symptoms returned with the sudden appearance of low-flying, slow-flying jets spewing chemtrails in the air.

By 2008, the symptoms were so severe that I moved to Maine to escape the intense spraying in Jamestown, New York. I immediately got somewhat better, but as the intensity of chemtrails rapidly increased over the summer of 2008, so did my symptoms.

At the time of this writing, my symptoms are still steadily increasing along with the intensity of chemtrails. Even though low-altitude persistent chemtrails have become less frequent and have been replaced by blue skies on several days during the month, the metallic taste in the air continues along with all associated symptoms. Cleverly, chemtrails are progressively being moved to high-altitudes where they cannot be seen from the ground, but those with sensitive senses of smell and taste (like me) still experience their blunt presence in the air and all of their associated mercury-like symptoms. In short, nothing has changed except their visibility.
Ailment List

This section contains:

(1) a comprehensive list of ailments that I suffered with as a result of mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings (1995-2000), and

(2) a comprehensive list of symptoms I suffered with as a result of chemtrail spraying (2005 to present).

Remember, the list of ailments caused by these two different sources of toxicity is nearly identical.

Where possible, I am including information about supplements that help me. I hope they can help you as well.

List of Ailments

Weight Gain

Thinning Hair


Oily Skin

Vertical Lines in Fingernails and Toenails

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Difficulty Getting To Sleep

Extremely Light Sleep

Hot Core, Cold Skin While Sleeping

Grinding Teeth While Sleeping

Sweating While Sleeping (Night-Sweats)

Frequent Urination In the Night

Shifted Circadian Rhythm

Over- or Under-Sleeping Caused Health Symptoms

Fatigue After Eating

Fatigue After Using the Bathroom


Severe Immune Weakness

Ringing In the Ears (Tinnitus)

Tingling and Numbness In Hands and Feet

Elevated Body Temperature (Always Feeling Hot)

Constant Excessive Sweating


Heart Pain and Loss of Breath When Being Physical

Inability To Focus On Nearby Objects

Increased Visual Persistence

Tight, Twitching, and Burning Muscles

Ear Wax

Frequently Cracking Joints

Dramatic Reactions To Caffeine and Sugar

Nausea On An Empty Stomach

Severe Nausea After Eating

Metallic Taste in My Mouth

Excessive Salivating

Drooling While Sleeping

Frequent Skin Tags

White Coating On Tongue

Swollen Tongue

Accumulation of Dead Skin Around Heels and Sides of the Feet

Blood Sugar Swings

Short Attention Span

Poor Reading Comprehension

Loss of Short-Term Memory

Extremely Vivid Dreams

Shallow Unrestful Sleep

Increased Sensitivity To Light

Increased Sensitivity To Sound

Increased Sensitivity To Odors


Anxiety and Numerous General Fears

Apathy About Certain Personal Issues

Critical Attitude

General Grumpiness


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