Monday, December 19, 2011

false flag alien invasion... IT'S ON!

at the end of this video they say.. if the nations of the world are to stand a chance.. they must merge their competing armies into one global force!

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.. making a video about how to survive an alien attack!!
this isn't .. discovery or sci-fi channel... this isn't even the "history" channel (which shows stuff like this nonstop as if it WERE actual "HISTORY"... something's fishy i say....

When the top rated most highly respected nature documentary company in the world is making tv shows about alien invasions.. you know somethings up their sleeve!

echoing the words of Ronald Reagan ... to the tune of.. if we faced a threat from outer space would we drop our petty differences and unite?

hell.. know what... if this is what it takes to unite us.. I'm all for it. so sick of reading about the horrors of war between our own kind down here on this beautiful planet.

and if we develop super powers and become superheroes in order to destroy them all the better...

where's Michael Jackson when you need him.... ( k you might not get that last part.. but just wait...)

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