Wednesday, November 2, 2011

‘pedophile tag team.

We have read numerous articles about pedophile Dean Schwartzmiller (1st photo). The cops arrested him at his home after it was discovered he was hoarding 100,000 images of child pornography. Schwartzmiller was convicted (152 years) of molesting countless boys but few people know about his roommate, Frederick Everts (2nd photo), who was also a serial molester. The two men often compared their crimes.

According to a prosecutor, “the men were poison, they would both kill you, but kill you in a different way.” Everts may have been less prolific that Schwartzmiller but he was more dangerous. He was convicted on multiple felony counts of molestation for abusing three boys, 11, 9, and 3 years old. Everts had been diagnosed as a sexual sadist and admitted molesting 36 victims over his lifetime. Among them was his stepson, whom he tied to a bed multiple times and molested when the boy was 3 to 5 years old.

“He admitted he chose his wife because he wanted to molest her son.” Everts was also convicted in Oregon in 1993 of sodomizing children and he molested his biological son when the boy was 3 months old. During his sentencing, he said, “I can’t imagine, with my compulsion, any therapy would stop me from doing it again.” Everts was sentenced to 800 years in prison.

Source: John Corte @ The SF Chronicle


Leslie Jill May (pictured below) said her mother was a drunk, and when May was 12, she found her mother dead on the kitchen floor from alcohol poisoning. The girl was then raised in Pocatello, Idaho, by her father, but she ran away, she said, after he raped and impregnated her at age 16.

After a miscarriage, she became a prostitute and came to the Bay Area in 1976. She and Ricky Smith -- a onetime pimp known as "Slick Rick" (pictured below) who had 24 prostitutes working for him -- shared a life on and off the streets. They had three children together.

Back then, May was a stunner dubbed "Legs" who attracted business from men of all professions and income levels, according to people who knew her.

"She had legs like Tina Turner, you know?" Smith said on a recent afternoon.

"Jill was a classy hooker," agreed her longtime friend Anne Griffin. "She had that personality. She had that look. She was the glamorous girl -- she looked like she stepped out of a magazine."

In the 1990s, May and Smith struggled with parenthood and keeping a roof over their heads, eventually turning over their children to Smith's brother to raise.

The couple repeatedly had been arrested for drugs and prostitution but never entered into court-ordered rehabilitation programs. They ended up living on the streets, two blocks of the Tenderloin on Jones Street, between Geary and Ellis streets.

Addicted to heroin and crack, May lost her teeth and so much weight she was practically skin and bones. Her once-famous legs grew infected from dirty syringes, and she couldn't walk anymore so much as shuffle.

Last week, Mia Sagote, 30, and Leslie Siliga, 29, are believed to have selected the victim, Leslie "Jill" May, 49, after May told police on the day of her death that she had been robbed by Sagote on the street in the Tenderloin the day before.

"The victim was kidnapped off the street and taken to Candlestick Park, doused with gasoline and set on fire," said Assistant District Attorney George Butterworth. He said the crime was especially heinous and showed "exceptional depravity."

Authorities say May was first accosted in the Tenderloin the morning of Jan. 11 by Sagote, who was angry that May's boyfriend owed her $150 on a loan. When May said she had no money, Sagote allegedly slammed May to a wall, then threw her to the ground and punched her face, police said.

Later that morning, Sagote pulled May behind a trash container and stripped the victim of her clothing and cash, leaving her naked behind a garbage bin, authorities say. The incident was witnessed, according to police.

May went to authorities the next day and reported the crime. Authorities believe that at least one of the women involved had learned, apparently by word on the street, of May's police report naming Sagote. That afternoon, May was back in the Tenderloin when she was approached by two women, forced into the backseat of a car, and driven to the stadium parking lot at Candlestick Point and set on fire-burning her alive, authorities said.

Source: Jaxon Van Derbeken & Heather Knight @ The SF Chronicle.

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