Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”
Revelation 6:15-17
We will begin with the late Phil Schneider's account of his encounter with a group of watchers whilst he was working on the foundation of a D.U.M.B.
Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert who worked for the government for 17 years. He came out in 1994, blowing the whistle on everything he'd seen whilst working on secret government Black Operations
He was murdered within three years [made to look like suicide]
His most dangerous recount was from when he was working at the Dulce Underground Base in New Mexico:
Of courser, Mr Schneider was branded a flake immediately by the PTB. But, he was not a flake when they employed him to work on their underground structures and trusted his estimations regarding the specs for trillion dollar subterranean structures
We must take into account that in 1991, he knew and spoke of the following current issues:
governments conducting business with 'aliens' [fallen angels]; receiving advanced technology; bio-engineering; alien-human-animal gene splicing; excretion of human adrenal glands for the fallen watchers consumption
He also described the different 'alien races' and the different agenda's that they have
Mr Schneider's story may seem hard to swallow [at least for those who are not yet accustomed to how deep the rabbit hole really is], but what is just as hard to believe is that a noted geologist and structural engineer, who'd worked for the government for 17 years, all of a sudden decided to put his reputation and life, along with his wife and daughter's, on the line for some crazy wacko story that he thought would be fun to tell people. Or, maybe he did it to get attention? Then we have to ask ourselves, exactly who's attention did he think he would get? Those that might sneak in his home and orchestrate his death perhaps?
Phil spoke to approximately 40,000 people in the 3 years before his untimely death. Thanks to the www his story is spreading around the globe. Phil Schneider's story is too important to go unheard
There is little doubt that top secret military/government tunnels exist, we have used Phil Schneider's story as an introduction to the nature and size of these unseen playgrounds
Deep Underground Military Bases are:
buried up to a mile under the earth
connected by high speed 'magnified levitated trains' that can reach speeds of up to 750mph
built with nuclear powered boring machines
where all the black operations take place
where the $1.25 trillion dollars of black op's government spending per year is spent
where the governments & fallen-angel-aliens conduct affairs which include, building new aircraft with 'alien' technology and backdoor treaties
dulce We will focus on the infamous Dulce Base in New Mexico, US as an example [although, the facilites vary within and have different research causes]
Dulce Base connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet [both natural and man-made]. There are rumours that the lower levels are under the control of Inner-Earth beings [Nordic nephilim] as well the A-typical grays
Dulce is just a small town in New Mexico but there are over 100 Secret Exits near and around the town itself. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich. Deep sections of the Complex connect into the natural Cavern Systems
Thomas Edward Castello
Further to Phil Schenider's account of his encounter with 'grays' at Dulce, former Dulce Base High-level Security Officer, Thomas Castello gave an interview shortly before he disappeared, wanting to speak-out about activities in the secret 'alien base' at Dulce [along with Mr Schneider, Mr Castello went to his death never discovering the TRUE nature of these fallen-angel entities]
In 1979, Mr Castello decided he could no longer cope with the things he was seeing which left him "deeply disturbed'. After careful consideration he decided to desert the facility and take a few items with him as proof of his fantastic story. Using a small camera he took over 30 photos of areas within the multi-level complex. He copied documents and removed a security video tape from the control-center which showed various views of the hallways, labs, US Government personel and even what he said were 'aliens'
Then, by shutting off the alarm system, he left the facility. The originals of his proofs were hidden after 5 sets of copies were made and distributed
Thomas was then ready to go into hiding but, when he went to pick up his wife and son, there were agents waiting and his wife and child had been kidnapped. He was told to give back what he had taken and they would be returned but, not believing that they would be returned unharmed, he went on the run
Thomas alleged that there are over 18,000 'short grays' at the Dulce facility AND, that he saw creatures that he called, 'reptilian-humanoids' ....
The multi-level facility at Dulce is reported to have a central-hub which is controlled by basic security. The 'security-level' goes higher as the levels go deeper. Thomas had an ultra-7 clearance, he knew of 7 sub-levels but there may have been more. Most of the 'aliens' supposedly were on levels 5, 6 & 7, with alien-housing on level-5. The only sign in English was over the two-shuttle hallway which read "To Los Alamos". Connections go from Dulce to the Page Arizona facility then on to an underground-base near 'Area 51', other connections go via two shuttles to facilities all over the western US. These extend to a global system of tunnels beyond the regular shuttles
In Dulce the signs above the doors are in the 'alien'-symbol language, a universal symbol system understood by both 'aliens' and humans. Thomas stated that after the 2nd level, everyone is weighed in the nude then given a uniform. The wieght of the person is put on a computerised ID card each day. A change in that weight would require the person to have a physical exam and an x-ray.
All elevator sytems at Dulce are run magnetically. There are no elevator cables. Everything is controlled by advanced magnetics including lighting
Level 1 - contains the garage for surface vehicles and maintenance
Level 2 - contains the garage for cranes, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc-Maintenance
The studies conducted on Level-4 include human-aura research as well as aspects of telepathy, hypnosis and dreams. Thomas said that they know how to seperate the bio-plasmic body [SOUL] from the physical body to place 'alien'-entity life-force matrix within human body
Level-6 is known as 'Nightmare Hall', it holds the labs where experiments are done on fish, seals, birds and mice. Some, are vastly altered from their original form. There are multi-armed and multi-legged humans in cages and vats of humanoid bat-like creatures as tall as 7 feet
The 'aliens' have taught the humans much about genetics including useful and dangerous aspects
Apparantly the 'grays' are highly technological and have had past conflicts with 'Nordic' humans [subterranean Nordic nephilim-offpsring of the watchers. The two are actually alllies of course]. They also like to do reckless experiments without regard for what we would consider to be ethical conduct towards other living creatures
There are a myriad of other specialty science projects taking place at the Dulce base including, but not limited to:
Atomic manipulation
studies of the human aura
advanced mind control applications
animal/human crossbreeding
It was when Thomas encountered humans within cages on Level-7 that things finally climaxed for him - row after row of thousands of humans, human remains and embryos of humanoids were kept in cold-storage. He said he frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged and sometimes they cried and begged for help. Workers were told that these people were hopelessly insane and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity
Legends from different parts of the globe all tell of an underworld inhabited by mystical beings of varied forms hidden away in the dark crevices of the Earth and in the depths of the oceans. The evidence supporting this proclamation is also available through recent reports and historical documentation [as above]...
Whether or not the above account is a disinfo psy-op matters not, the purpose is served - to get the people believing in aliens forcing a FALSE-ALIEN Disclosure from the governments
Mount Weather / Nuclear Earthquake?
Mount Weather D.U.M.B. Reports that the recent earthquake in Virginia was anything but normal surfaced almost immediately: News Page
The earthquake did not register as normal on the very delicate devices that measure the waves before, during and after a quake
It was more like a sudden explosion below ground that was felt way beyond the normal proximity for a 'quake' of this size. Subsequent claims have been made by various sources [] that this was a pre-emptive attack on the underground bases [there are 2 in close proximity to Washington DC], that house the underground headquarters of the government and as many as 60,000 selected inhabitants/workers
As to who was to blame? The Soviets, the 'aliens', the warring 'factions' and, as Benjamin fulford puts it, "the good guys in the white hats" in an attack on the evil elitist caballist "black hats" who's endeavour it is to massly reduce the Earth's populace and subdue the remnant as worker-bees
It seems that massive sink holes are now beginning to appear in Virginia which are not common-place following earthquakes
It will undoubtably become clear in time what has taken place beneath virginia but what is clear for now, there is definately at least one D.U.M.B. near to the Washington DC - the only two admitted military underground base facilities in the US, besides some "storage" locations are the NORAD facility in Colorado and the Mount Weather underground base housing a back-up government in Virginia, nearby the US capital
Yes, a back-up government, or so they said many years ago when it was first disclosed
Mount Weather, also known as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations, virtually an underground city, according to former personnel. Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather is [or was as the case may now be!!] equipped with such amenities as:
private apartments and dormitories
streets and sidewalks
cafeterias and hospitals
a water purification system, power plant and general office buildings
a small lake fed by fresh water from underground springs
its own mass transit system
a TV communication system
Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA. The facility is the operational center of approximately 100 other Federal Relocation Centers, most of which are concentrated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. Together this network of underground facilities constitutes the backbone of America's "Continuity of Government" program. In the event of nuclear war, declaration of martial law, or other national emergency, the President, his cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch would be "relocated" to Mount Weather
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