Sunday, February 12, 2012

Father Starved, Tortured Daughter, 10, To Death – Glued Her Eyes Shut, Poured Hot Sauce In Her Ears

He has a similar reaction when his new foster father filled up a pitcher of ice water: it brought Victor back to the days when his adoptive father Jorge Barahona would bind him and his twin sister Nubia up, put them in the tub, and douse them with ice.

Startling revelations about the long and disturbing abuse suffered by Victor and his sister have emerged in the past months following the discovery of a dead Nubia, a badly injured Victor, and an unconscious Jorge alongside a Florida highway last February.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Jorge Barahona and his wife Carmen on the grounds that they killed 10-year-old Nubia and tortured Victor.

After Victor was hospitalized for several weeks after the incident, he was moved into the care of foster mother Katia Garcia.

Mrs Garcia met with police in June to discuss what she had learned from Victor about the extent of his abuse, and the horror of his experiences appears never-ending.

‘He really didn’t want to remember, perhaps, but he did,’ she told investigators in a taped interview.

Victor is the most upset when talking about his sister Nubia, who was found wrapped in a garbage bag in the back of Jorge Barahona’s pick-up truck after being doused with chemicals.

‘He stutters when he talks. He can’t finish his sentences,’ Mrs Garcia said.

‘He has nervous twitches with his eyes. He had one with his mouth. He doesn’t want to talk about what his sister went through.’

Both of the twins were both starved while living in the Barahona house. They were only given a piece of bread and a glass of milk once a week while their parents and their two other adopted children dined on shredded beef and rice.

Teachers raised concerns that the children were constantly hungry, and often they would come into school unclean and smelling bad.

While the pair shared much of the abuse and cruelty, there were many times when Victor took some violent beatings from his father alone.

One time, Jorge beat Victor in the head with a mop stick, resulting in a large scar. To this day, Victor does not like to cut his hair short because he fears that people will see the scar.

‘There’s another scar on his lip and he said that is where his father punched him,’ Mrs Garcia said in the recording.

Victor also said that Jorge would pour hot sauce in his eyes, ears and mouth.

Since the grim discovery along Interstate 95 in West Palm Beach last Valentine’s Day, the other two children who were in the care of the Barahonas were placed into foster care, and both Jorge and Carmen have been charged with first degree murder and child abuse.

They have both pleaded not guilty, and are awaiting trial, the dates of which have not been set.

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