Monday, January 9, 2012

sign o the times

Jesus yhw please help us men and wht does this sick imprint leave on our little-ones

Here is the highly anticipated cover for Archie Comics that shows it’s gay character, Kevin Keller’s, marriage to partner Clay Walker. A little background on the relationship via Huffington Post:

The January issue’s cover illustration shows Kevin Keller, Riverdale’s first openly gay character who is also an active U.S. military officer, tying the knot with his African-American partner, Clay Walker. ComicsAlliance reported in October that the story of the couple’s meeting, said to take place in a military hospital, “obviously deals with ['Don't Ask, Don't Tell'] but it doesn’t spell it out for the reader,” and may be revealed in flashback, according to Archie Comics CEO Jon Goldwater.

When the miniseries was announced in 2010, author Dan Parent told the Associated Press, “The world of Riverdale has to reflect contemporary culture and to show it is an accepting, diverse place. And that’s why Kevin is important, to show that everybody is welcome in this all-American town we’ve embraced for over 70 years.” Parent was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for creating the character.


Shantel McCoy, 32, was returning home at 2am this morning, when she unwittingly rode to her death after a fire broke out on the floor she lived on.

Miss McCoy rode the elevator to the 12th floor in the Chicago block but when the doors opened she was hit with flames and searing heat.

Fire Department Chief Joe Roccasalva said the fire started in an apartment and smoke poured out into the building as the front door was left open after the people who lived there escaped.

Roccasalva said firefighters found Miss McCoy on the 12th floor. The elevator doors were open and it appeared as though she was going to her apartment. She had been carrying her purse and take-out food.

He said: ‘The door of the apartment that was on fire didn’t close when they left and all the heat and gases and smoke poured into the hallway. When the elevator door opened up, she just got blasted.’

Miss McCoy was taken to hospital but later pronounced dead. Nine others, including two firefighters, were hurt by the blaze but none of the injuries were life-threatening.

The Cook County medical examiner ruled her death to be accidental and said cause of death was carbon monoxide intoxication and inhalation of smoke and soot.

Miss McCoy moved to Chicago from Philadelphia last year because she was looking for a place to start over after she lost her job, her mother JoAnn McCoy told the Chicago Tribune.

Mrs McCoy said: ‘She was just ready to relocate to a new city. She just picked Chicago to move to. She loved the city and of the several cities she was looking to relocate to, she picked Chicago.’

No cause was determined for the fire, but authorities did not believe it was suspicious. Electrical investigators were on the scene.

The building did not have a sprinkler system as it was not required to install one.

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