Sunday, January 15, 2012

n#$@z always quoting these flk thats why they life in the end r jacked up / the freq got u crazy

Janet Jackson, Lady GA GA and Nicki Minaj in BAPHOMET Trance Position

Out of the Luciferian Abyss, Anschutz has arisen among the world’s most powerful “Knight Protectors.” Circumstantial evidence in a prior post suggests that Philip Anschutz is the Wizard that lies at the apex of the Janet’s inverted pyramid of power that points to HELL. The 21st Century KGC has exchanged their crude costumes for Brook Brothers suits and ties. They have re-organized more powerful, deadly and secretive, and more demonic, dangerous and ruthless then its 19th Century twisted sister

Baphomet’s High Priestesses, Janet Jackson and Halle Berry, Sex Kittens & the Multiple Personality Disorder Deception

In 2004, Janet Jackson revealed that she has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as if it was no more serious than having a bag of popcorn. She acknowledged it to mass media that she was a Multiple Personality with different programmed alters.[3] Undoubtedly, she was referencing to CIA iatrogenic (psychiatrist) mind control programming. MPD is a not a bag of popcorn. It is an extraordinary serious ILLUMINATI/MK ULTRA mind control mental disorder.

Janet Jackson & Halle Berry, Off to See the Wizards of the Golden Circle

Halle Berry AKA Halle Maria Berry, above in a classic MK ULTRA Animal Occulted-Gothic Implant Theme, was born August 14, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio about four months after the birth of Janet Jackson in Gary, Indiana. She is a child of mixed parents. For whatever reasons, she is currently voluntarily estranged from her father’s humble Black family roots.[4]

Ms. Berry had the earmarks of a young lady driven by blind ambition to be a showcase. In fact, she was named after a downtown Cleveland store, Halle Brothers Department Store. In high school, she was president of the class, lead cheerleader and prom queen. She was a persistent showcase beauty pageant contestant.[5] In 1985, she won the Miss Teen All-American Beauty Pageant. In 1986, she was first runner-up in a national-international showcase, Miss U.S.A.

Above, Masonic secret Heart and Fidelity Hand Symbol and Signal. It should be little surprise that the first acting role ever credited to Ms. Berry is a 1989 television series, “Living Dolls”.[7]

In NWO Luciferian MONARCH Iatrogenic (laboratory) Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD),[8] one of the popular alter personalities for women are the “Barbie Doll Complex.” It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko [9] It is also rather iconic that “Living Dolls” was a spin-off of “Who’s the Boss”,[10] the Wizards.

Above, Halle Berry and Janet Jackson gesture the ILUMINATI/Masonic Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. Again, Janet gestures with left hand Occulted path.

Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous classic movie ”Deer Hunter”, Christopher Walken, gestures the Masonic Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.

Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous movie series ‘”Da Vinci Code”, The Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Tom Hanks, gestures the Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.

Rihanna, also, as we should be well aware of on the Left Hand Path of the Occult. According to the book, “Freemasonic signals in the press” written by Johannes Rothkranz, there are 12 main gestures used by public celebrity figures pertaining to the masonry, of which the hand in the chest or hand on chest or sometimes called “Hand on Heart” is one of them.

The UNSEEN, the Wizards behind the Curtains

During the late 1960s, a young lady entered behind the lines of RESISTANCE of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Her mother was the product of an illicit black-white sexual encounter in the Deep Old South. Her mother ran away out of the south during her early teens and found refuge in the San Francisco Bay Area. On the outside, Sheryl was a remarkably attractive and desirable young lady. She had also been high school head cheerleader, class president and prom queen. Since her early teens, the mother had persistently showcased her in bourgeois social clubs, debutante balls, modeling and beauty pageants. Mother wanted her among the bourgeois, rich and powerful no matter whom they had to step over and whatever she had to bare.

On the inside, Sheryl was honest, modest and a remarkable humble caring human being that was caught in a DOUBLE BIND. She was on the fringe of insanity and suicide. I was extremely young and didn’t understand what she talked about when she described the UNSEEN of blind ambition and a secret human flesh trade behind the Blink-Blink of the spotlight, clamor and pageantry


She told me about that that was among the UNSEEN. She talked about rich and powerful men, Wizards, behind the curtains. She talked about how Black beauty pageant venues were selected to setup UNSEEN and restricted areas, mostly upstairs, for rich and powerful men-SPONSORS that if chosen by one of them, they would do Wonderful Things for Them such as secretly finance their education, create, control; and oversee careers and their bodies. It was a secret west coast form of a Plaçage.[11]

Plaçage, the term comes from the French placer meaning “to place with”. The women were not legally recognized as wives, but were known as placées; their relationships were recognized among the free people of color as mariages de la main gauche or left-handed marriages.[12] Sheryl’s time had come. She had been pre-chosen to win the big national Black “Miss Bronze” beauty showcase peagant. Her time had come to be among the UNSEEN “to place with”. She was going insane becoming fearful, nervous, paranoid and suicidal because of the secret Wizards behind the Curtains, and the Wonderful Things They Do.

One day, she stepped up to me at Merritt Jr. College in North Oakland. She said that she didn’t care what people among the bourgeois and powerful thought. She had developed an inner strength to finally determine and fight for her own destiny. She no longer cared what people whispered behind her back about being associated with a Panther. She stepped across the lines to protection and open RESISTANCE. She survived with dignity; free though, fruitfulness and independence.

Years later, I discovered that many of Oakland’s young Black (Miss Bronze [13]) beauty pageant winners went to Hollywood not as upcoming stars and models as promised among the SEEN; but to be among the UNSEEN, high level drug addicted (MK ULTRA) call girls, sex slaves to the rich, famous and powerful.

Northern California Miss Bronze Beauty Pageants in Oakland was created by Black Journalist Belva Davis.[14] Davis came out of Dr. Carlton Goodlett’s camp of journalists at Sun Publishing Group [15] along with Chauncey Bailey and U.S. Congressperson Barbara Lee

Above, Halle Barry, SS-Brotherhood of Death-Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith gesture the Scottish Rite Masonic-ILLUMINATI DEVIL’S CLAW. Halle Berry will do their biddings no matter the Injustice.

Above, Janet and Halle in a racial charged MK ULTRA Mind Control Sex Kitten Crawl, prone and submission position to the OZ. However, Janet’s picture is covertly seethed in Scottish Rite Masonic Occultism, the figure in her background is MARBUK, the Winged State God of Babylon that will be discussed in detail later.

In “Frankie and Alice”, one of Berry’s alters is developed as a racist white woman personality to enforce the implant, the N*GGER Complex, “Alice”. Berry’s movie psychiatrist just happens to be “Dr. OZ” out of the CIA/MK ULTRA LSD mind control research and experiments of the 1950s and 1960s.[20]

One of the most important and popular Hollywood theme scripts for trauma-based MONARCH mind control programming is “The Wizard of OZ” which is loosely based on Western conceptions of the Osiris Mysteries of Kemet.

The OZ also incorporates mysteries in Masonic (Scottish Rite) freemasonry and Chivalry of the Middle Ages, the Most Worshipful Master and Priest-Knight (Wizard). The author of the “OZ”, L. Frank Baum, was a Luciferian Occultist out of racialist Madame H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.[21] “Frankie and Alice” alleged to be based on the true story of “Frankie Murdoch” a young black woman of Los Angeles, was and is absolutely FALSE. It is a BAPHOMET Project of Polarization, Divide and Conjure.







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