Thursday, January 5, 2012

if they want 2 find u or know ur stuff they just go 2 face book

A Dallas teenager who has been missing for two years was mistakenly deported to Colombia by authorities after she was arrested for theft, according to a Dallas-area news outlet.

Jakadrien Turner, who is now 15, ran away from home after her parents' divorce and her grandfather's death, according to WFAA. Shortly after, she was arrested in Houston for theft, and gave the police a fake name. But that name belonged to a Colombian national who was in the United States illegally, which led federal authorities to deport Turner — an African-American who does not speak Spanish.

Her grandmother, Lorene Turner, told the television station that she had been frantically searching for Jakadrien online. "They didn't do their work," Lorene said. "How do you deport a teenager and send her to Colombia without a passport, without anything?"

Immigration officials told WFAA that they followed procedure, and that they attempted to verify her identity and found nothing amiss.

According to the Dallas Morning News, Jakadrien — who was released by the Colombian government and issued a work card there — is now pregnant. But since American officials reached out to the Colombian government for help, the country's government has placed Jakadrien in a detention facility and refuses to return her to the U.S.

The paper also summed up some of her recent posts on Facebook:
July 6, 8:24 a.m.: She wants to get another job because she needs money. She says that times are getting hard and she's trying to go to Barbados. She reiterates that she wants to be in the United States to see everyone she loves.

July 28, 10:44 a.m.: She wishes for a "time machine" to rewind all the bad things that she did wrong. "I'M NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY HERE!" she writes.

Aug. 1, 2:19 p.m.: She writes that rumors of her being dead are not true. She said that she was in a coma for about a month and is now recovered.

Aug. 2, 8:24 p.m.: She said that she misses Kimball and misses Dallas.

Aug. 4, 8:06 p.m.: She writes that she is trying to go to Mexico or Cali, Colombia. She says that she needs to be in the United States and that the closes location is Mexico. She says, "Houston I'm coming to you." She said that she also misses people in Dallas and Houston.

Jakadrien's last post was on Nov. 15 at 6:26 p.m. It read: "Well bak in a relationship with same man I broke up with, lol! I love him dearly tho!!!! I think that will never happen, mae that mistake of oing that, beause he show me that he is serious with me, an so on, so ok lol!!!!!"


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