Monday, June 18, 2012

Everyone Is On Satan’s Kill List: The Rise of The Antichrist And The Death of Mankind

The shadow government has used the cult-like appeal of Barack Obama to sell previously secret policies to the American people.
“You may not want to face it — hell, I’d prefer not to have to face it — but this is a country ready to be led to the slaughterhouse.” – Arthur Silber, “Reflections on a Bestial Culture, Ready and Eager for Slaughter (I),” June 7, 2012.
“Christianity summarizes the source of evil under the symbol of the demonic, and the essence of the demonic is the aspiration to godhead, the attempt to usurp the place of the Creator, followed by assault upon creation in a frenzy of hate which irrevocably dedicates itself to a continuous destruction of life. Satan is thus the continuous source of evil. As Antichrist, Calvin called him “the sphere of atrocity and horror under the name of a person.” He is not an independent evil being set opposite an equally independent good being, and his fall from heaven comes precisely from his false claim to be just that. Essentially irrational, teleologically undefinable, Satan is, as Denis de Rougemont says, the “absolute anti-model.” St. John Chrysostom has it that he is mania, frenzy, impossible to reduce to rationality, while Emil Brunner says that the demonic defies all precise definition. With Satan, as elsewhere, we are brought back to “accommodation,” to the symbolic and metaphoric treatment of a force which may be fully interpreted in no other terms. . . As Paul Tillich says, “the demonic is the elevation of something conditional to unconditional significance.” It is thus basically a lie, carrying at the core of its existence a falsification of its own nature. As evil itself, it cannot be denied, but must not be made absolute. In its relation to man, its power should not be underestimated, yet in relation to God it is as nothing. . . The thrust of Satan’s aspiration is to enjoy himself rather than God, to become the bearer of his own image, to become power without love. Augustine wrote that “the bad angel loved himself more than God, refused to be subject to God, swelled with pride, came short of supreme being, and fell.” It was a totally free choice, as all declare, including Satan himself—a choice left to his own will. The righteousness of God’s judgement consists, as Karl Barth puts it, in the fact that he gives the creature what it chooses for itself. Lucifer’s choice was himself, not God. Thus, Augustine says again, “he became less than he had been, because, in wishing to enjoy his own power rather than God’s, he wished to enjoy what was less.” He made it his chief end to glorify and enjoy himself forever, in short, to be God. Hell for him is existence as his own deity. “To set himself in glory above his peers,” as Milton writes in Paradise Lost, “He trusted to have equalled the most High” (I, 39-40).” – Roland Mushat Frye. “God, Man, And Satan: Patterns of Christian Thought and Life in Paradise Lost, Pilgrim’s Progress, and the Great Theologians.” Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey. 1960. Pg. 22-24.
The much publicized “Obama Kill List” is really Satan’s kill list, and everyone is on it. America has been chosen by destiny to be Satan’s go-to killer on the world stage, and the Kill List is another indication of this esoteric truth.

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