Wednesday, May 16, 2012


On February 11, 2012, Whitney Houston was assassinated at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA. It appears that the State of California, Governor-Imperium Jerry Brown, California Attorney General, and Beverly Hills Police Department refuses to properly investigate the homicide, pursue arrests in spite of the body of the crime-Homicide; evidence of a cover-up and tampering with evidence, and worldwide interest and concern. Fifteen days later on February 25; unarmed 17 year old Trayvon Martin was aggressively racially stalked and killed by an armed George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Allegedly, Zimmerman killed Trayvon in self defense and has been walking free since the shooting. The State of Florida, Governor-Imperium Jeb Bush, and the Police of Sanford also have refused to properly investigate the murder in spite of the body of the crime-Homicide; evidence of a cover-up and tampering with evidence and worldwide protest. The U.S. Mass Corporate (Imperium) Media is playing up the Trayvon Martin case with round-the-clock coverage. As far as the Whitney Houston case is concerned, U.S. Mass Corporate Media is apparently looking the other way as evidence of gross inconsistencies and cover-up continue to develop in the case.
As I look at HLN-CNN Weekend Express News this morning on Saturday March 31, 2012, MK ULTRA/MONARCH Tyler Perry has picked up Bobbie Kristina Brown who also has been unfortunately Satanic MK-ULTA-ED as an actress in his series of Luciferian sponsored International Black Buffoonery. The entire Black Entertainment Industry is fast becoming a Luciferian Blood Oath Society.
In the Trayvon Martin Murder Case, NAACP President Ben Jealous, ILLUMINATI Negroes Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton are at the center of a large Trayvon Martin march and protest in Sanford; but also seemed to have gotten their cue from the U.S. Mass Media Propaganda Machine to abandon interest in the Whitney Houston case. Well, just as in the Trayvon Martin Case, the story keeps changing daily in the Whitney Houston Murder Case. Now, it’s being widely reported today that police did find a white powdery substance in Whitney’s hotel room identified as cocaine. It looks as if each time the evidence develops to give the Beverly Hills Police Department justification to widen its investigation into Whitney’s death; there is another reason to justify avoiding it. Well, if there is cocaine found in the Whitney’s room then who brought in. If the police suddenly found cocaine almost 60 days after the death of Whiney Houston then another question is who’s planting and tampering with evidence at the Beverly Hills Police Station? Or what intelligence agency has the power to plant evidence, direct, control or influence the Beverly Hills Police investigation of the death of Whitney Houston? The answer may surprise you, but “We’re througgh the looking-glass here, people… white are black and black is white…” JKF, the Movie. Often in America, things aren’t really clearly what it seems to be. Recently, CIA psychologist issued memos covering the interrogation of ‘war on terror’ detainees discussed psychological “self torture” issues. A couple of the memos discussed the procedure and environment designed “to create a state of learned helplessness“. This is a concept originally developed by psychologist Martin Seligman who found that dogs given inescapable electric shocks would eventually just give up trying to avoid them and remain passive while electrocuted. The theory was related to depression where people with no control over their unpleasant lives supposedly just learnt to be withdrawn and passive.[3] Mental Depression “self torture” is one of the results of the process of “learned helplessness.” Learned helplessness existed in some forms of Nazi and SS applied psychological of “FEAR” as found in its form of governing and concentration camps. Martin Seligman’s foundational experiments and theory of “learned helplessness” began at University of Pennsylvania in 1967, as an extension of his interest in depression. Quite by accident, Seligman and colleagues discovered that the conditioning of dogs led to outcomes that were opposite to the predictions of B.F. Skinner’s behaviorism, then a leading psychological theory.[4] Seligman developed the theory further, finding learned helplessness to be a psychological condition in which a human being or an animal has learned to act or behave helplessly in a particular situation — usually after experiencing some inability to avoid an adverse situation — even when it actually has the power to change its unpleasant or even harmful circumstance. Seligman saw a similarity with severely depressed patients, and argued that clinical depression and related mental illnesses result in part from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.[5] “According to Seligman, the author of “Learned Optimism” (the alleged psychological antidote to learned helplessness), human minds can be trained to passively accept unpleasant situations such as the imposition of a Police state and the loss of their freedoms and liberties. ‘…nullifying the natural reactions, which normally cause attempts to escape or to control the situation. It is a state of deep depression, brought on by prolonged immersion in a reality of learned helplessness…A person with learned helplessness easily gives in her/his goals if s/he fails few times in achieving them. Such persons show apathy, no motivation, depression and pessimism.’ Step by step Americans have stood by helplessly as one freedom and liberty guaranteed by their constitution and bill of rights has been taken away and each time they have protested and clamored their outrage they were managed into submissive acceptance. This despite a never ending series of bold faced lies that were later exposed as such that were told to them by the usurpers of their Government as the excuse to get them to accept the legislation for their new enslavement and acquiescence to participation in Wars of naked aggression. Even when millions of Americans began calling their Congress to prevent the Bank Bailout, they were given a one week reprieve only to be told that martial law would be declared if the bill was not passed. Congress rubberstamped it and Americans were given yet another dose of helplessness. All the while as their way of life has been systematically stolen from them they have been bombarded with nightmares by fear mongering opportunists who scream with bull horns that things are going to get even worse with their tales of FEMA Camps and coffins which in fact were built as props as part of a very real contingency plan with the dual purpose of providing a bit of reality to the brainwashing techniques designed to condition Americans into the mindset of ‘Learned Helplessness’.”[6] Be careful, when we exercise the “POWER” invested in us as the “PEOPLE,” that the GIANT (Government) move by the “WILL” of the “PEOPLE,” moves and move accordingly on behalf of the PEOPLE. There is no rhythm or reason in HELL or HEAVEN with this country’s multi-billion dollar taxpayer international/national state of art security state that on 9-11, that four state of art Boeing commercial jet airliners were hijacked and commandeered within thirty (30) minutes of each other by nineteen (19) Muslims armed only with box cutters and extremely challenging amateur counterintelligence and domestic flying skills. In violation of the Law of Physics and common sense, all four (4) of the hijacked planes with passengers and crews along with the virtually indestructible flight data recorder BLACK BOXES practically vaporized into thin air upon impact. Additionally, for the first time in modern 20th Century structural engineering, not one but three high rise (3) steel framed buildings, all in one day, collapsed into its footprints at virtual “Free Fall” within hours from carbon fires. There is no rhythm or reason in HELL or HEAVEN in this country by the Laws of the Land, whether federal or state, that an armed paranoid gunmen like George Zimmerman can racially profile, stalk and kill an innocent unarmed young man like Trayvon Martin without being arrested and charged with an unlawful homicide of a human being. There is no rhythm or reason in HELL or HEAVEN that the Beverly Hills Police Department don’t have the Beverly Hilton Hotel’s state of art surveillance system tapes of Whitney Houston and her entire entourage to determine the party or parties that killed Whitney Houston and tampered with evidence. In all these cases, they are playing “psychological warfare” games with the public to further instill “Racial Divide” and “Learned Helplessness” in the American Psyche invested with the POWER to govern for all. Unseen Ethic and Psychological War, Control the Music, Control the Masses Michael Jackson looked beyond the “Looking Glass” and was Assassinated. There is a paradigm shift in the Jazz, Blues and R&B industry taking place far faster and bolder than you can imagine. The Black Jazz, Blues and R&B industry has been an area of independence, posterity, and international influence and commercial success in this country for about a generation. It has come under a fierce and brutal attack as an industry for the last couple of decades. In recent years, R&B industry stars and musicians have been dropping like flies. Gone too soon are too many of God’s beautiful musical songbirds and messiahs, Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), Etta James (born Jamesetta Hawkins; January 25, 1938 – January 20, 2012), Donald Cortez “Don” Cornelius (September 27, 1936 – February 1, 2012), Joseph Brown, Jr. (May 5, 1933- December 25, 2006), John William Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967), Donny Edward Hathaway (October 1, 1945 – January 13, 1979), Minnie Riperton (November 8, 1947-July 12, 1979), Miles Dewey Davis III (May 26, 1926 – September 28, 1991), Phyllis Hyman (July 6, 1949 — June 30, 1995), Curtis Lee Mayfield (June 3, 1942-December 26, 1999), Luther Vandross (April 20, 1951 – July 1, 2005), Theodore DeReese “Teddy” Pendergrass (March 26, 1950– January 13, 2010), Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), Gerald Levert (July 13, 1966 – November 10, 2006), Sean Levert (September 28, 1968 – March 30, 2008), Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr. (April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984), Eddie Kendricks (December 17, 1939 – October 5, 1992), Davis Eli “David” Ruffin (January 18, 1941 – June 1, 1991), Paul Williams (July 2, 1939 – August 17, 1973), David Melvin English (October 12, 1942 – February 23, 1995), Harold Melvin (born June 25, 1939 – March 24, 1997), James, Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971- September 13, 1996), Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), Lisa Nicole Lopes (May 27, 1971 – April 25, 2002), Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001), the list goes on and on, and it’s just a partial list of mostly Black Rhythm and Blues stars. It is a quickly disappearing world-wide acclaimed musical genre of America’s Black Folk that also quickly becoming a vicious Blood Oath Society. All of their images, genius and life works can be reduced to a few pages in music catalog houses. The Black music industry artists and musicians have been buried and their music has been controlled and cataloged for the vast industry profit of the ILLUMINATI for generations to come.
It is a rather new phenomenon taking place in this country. These days, it makes a commercially successful music artist’s life dangerously cheap. It should now be clear to anyone with eyes to see. Whitney Houston became more valuable to ILLUMINATI dead than alive. As in the case of Michael Jackson, the profit from her untimely death and the catalog of her genius, life works and music has already generated millions upon millions of dollars for the coffers of the Luciferian Corporate Structure. In the death of Whitney Houston at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, somebody tampered with evidence and removed cocaine, drugs and other evidence from the room to cover-up a homicide before police arrived; and as Alex Constantine put it in “The Covert War Against Rock”,[7] The Cover-Up is Proof of the Crime. Out beautiful and tortured songbird, Whitney Houston, was assassinated. Unleash the DEVIL and DEMONS, Drive Whitney Insane
Let’s scare Whitney to death with her subconsciously deeply devoted spiritual, religious and benevolent nature.
Whitney was undoubtedly a sweet, loving, gentle, quiet spirit and most likely shy child. She was vulnerable and an extremely humble human being that most likely was highly suggestible to hypnotic suggestion and hypnotism. Whitney’s strong lifelong love for Christ was turned upside down. By design and devises, her love for Jesus and Christianity was systematically turned against her. It has happened before. It was called the Peoples Temple and Jonestown.
Under the stress of mind altering drugs and an extremely sophisticated ritual electronic harassment program, Whitney’s world was suddenly filed with demons. The drugs and harassment program made Whitney Houston so paranoid that she saw evil apparitions and once drilled a spy hole in her bathroom to keep an eye out for demons.[8] By February 2004, Whitney was always convinced that demons were out to get her when she was high. On one occasion, she told me [Tina Brown] she was staring at the face of the devil himself…but it was her reflection. She stared at cracks in cups, saucers, mugs and plates and said she saw demonic lips. She saw demons everywhere.[9] She imagined the devil was beating her. When Whitney got high, she would imagine concealed wires and spy cameras [systematic psychotronic electronic harassment] were everywhere. “She would get a screwdriver and take things apart to find the cameras,” said Tina.[10]
Reportedly, Whitney was examined and taken away by unknown psychiatrists. “The devil be hitting me,” said Whitney. “I walked by and he just go bam.” Tina said: “‘No, Nip. That’s not the devil. That’s you.’ I mean there was black and blue all up and down her legs. I said, ‘Does Bobby know this?’ She said, ‘No, no, it’s going to be all right. You know I rebuke the devil. He’s always hitting me.’ But it’s her hitting herself.” In the morning, Whitney’s relatives saw the bruises too. “All kinds of psychiatrists came up to the hotel room. And she went off with them. It was a big thing about the bruises.”[11] Who were the psychiatrists, CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH? False Crocodile Tears, Whitney Houston & ILLUMINATI Negroes
Contrary to the national publicly aired sentiments of Whitney Houston’s brother and sister-in-law-manager, Gary and Pat Houston, with MK ULTRA/MONARCH subject Oprah Winprey, Bobby Brown’s family is finding “closure” no option in the Assassination of Whitney Houston. Since early March 2011, Bobby Brown’s family has been quietly flooding the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office with demands to open Whitney Houston’s death as a murder investigation. I for one applaud the courage of the Brown Family. I also applaud Dr. Drew for giving the public an alternative view of Whitney Houston’s death. The Brown Family is not in any means polished and made for primetime TV. They will undoubtedly be exposed raw, but raw enough with the courage and will to fight to protect Bobbie Kristina; and an open murder investigation in the death of Whitney Houston. As of March 22, 2012, it’s official. Whitney Houston had been found drown “underwater and unconscious” in the bathtub in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Feb. 11. The Los Angeles Coroner also confirmed some aspects of Young Buck’s story that immediately before Whitney Houston’s death, she, more likely than not, had been hitting a primo; marijuana and crack cocaine cigar. The coroner’s report said that along with cocaine, Metabolites were identified in Houston’s system and were contributory to her death.[12] Metabolites are the intermediates and products of metabolism. The term metabolite is usually restricted to small molecules.. Metabolites have various functions, including fuel, structure, signaling, stimulatory and inhibitory effects on enzymes, catalytic activity of their own (usually as a cofactor to an enzyme), and defense. A primary metabolite is directly involved in normal growth, development, and reproduction. Alcohol is an example of a primary metabolite produced in large-scale by industrial microbiology.[13] The coroner also found Marijuana, Xanax, flexeril (muscle relaxant) and diphenhydramine (benadryl) in her system. [14] Whitney Houston, Little Lucifer & the Self Destruct Jim Jones Party Cocktail
Believe it or not. According to Urban Legend, a Jim Jones Party is when you crush up a bunch of Ativan, Xanax, Valium, or any other water soluble benzodiazepine tranquilizers and then dissolve them in a punchbowl filled with grape Kool-Aid. Invite twenty people to the party…With ten of the people arriving early and the other ten arriving two hours later…Have the first ten people drink the punch…Pop in a video tape of the film “Guyana Tragedy” starring Powers Booth as Jim Jones and hit “Play”. By the end of the film, everybody at the party should be passed out (Havem pass out on the floor). Soon, the other ten party-goers will have showed up to the party to “make the discovery”.[15]
A Jim Jones Party is a false “ILLUSION” of self destruction that the military-industrial-congressional system has unjustly tagged the November 1978 “Jonestown Guyana Massacre.” The experimental plantation slave camp, Jonestown, and the mass murder of 918 predominately Black women that included 276 children had been a CIA Medical Experiment.[16] A Jim Jones Party Cocktail is very close to what caused Whitney’s death. Keep it in mind; Jim Jones, CIA/MK ULTRA Agent, had claimed to be the reincarnation of “Jesus Christ.”[17] Jim Jones was a false and lying ILLUSION of Christ, a pretext to the mass murder of the people of Jonestown involved in the clandestine ethnic-psychological warfare mind control and medical experiment. Also, keep in mind that Pat told us on Oprah that on the eve of her death; Whitney was getting ready for a “PARTY.” She didn’t mention Clive Davis’ Pre Grammy Party 2012 by name. Most significantly, Whitney was supposed to be getting ready to perform at Clive Davis’ party on Saturday, which had to have been more than just a “PARTY.” It was an extremely important national unveiling return performance for Whitney. Yet, you would never know it from the overly relaxed and nonchalant attitude of the Negroes like Pat Houston that surrounded her. On Friday after the TRU Club incident, Pat and Gary Houston sat by and watched Whitney waste another evening drinking and partying with Bobbi Kristina and Little Lucifer-Ray J, etc., at the Beverly Hilton. At about 2:30 am of that evening, a hotel patron on the third floor directly below Whitney’s fourth floor suite reported suddenly experiencing water cascading into his bathroom from above. The man called security and then went upstairs to the fourth floor to see what was going on. He swears that it was Whitney’s bathtub that was overflowing. He also says that a flat screen television had been broken–the screen was smashed. The room was empty.[18] Whitney was supposed to die Friday night, but something went haywire with the post hypnotic programming. With mental and physical exhaustion, drugs, alcohol and hypnotic suggestion, it had been left to Whitney to run the water into the bathtub, get in and self destruct-drown herself. Whitney ran the water into the tub and left it running. At the last minute, Whitney primary personality or one of her helper personalities found the strength to resist self destruction. Whitney wanted to live. It could also have been the intervention of the third party, but Whitney wouldn’t get in the tub.
Then again, as Leolah Brown told Dr. Drew on CNN that Whitney Houston had certain paranoids about hotel bathtubs that her handlers may not have known about; which may have overpowered the self destruct hypnotic suggestion and sparked the resistance to get in the bathtub. Leolah said that Whitney told her that she was afraid to take baths in hotel bathtubs because of cleanliness. She would never get in a hotel bathroom.[19] Additionally, Whitney could have deliberately left the tub running to draw security to the room. Either a struggle took place in the hotel room or her handler(s) broke the flat screen television in a fit of rage after Whitney resisted her death call and they quietly left the room with Whitney before hotel security arrived. On Saturday, February 11, 2012, there were no throat or voice coaches or doctors for Whitney Houston’s pre-Grammy premiere performance. There didn’t seem to any publicist around for this important occasion. There were no fittings; and there wasn’t any dress or performance rehearsals Friday or Saturday. There didn’t appear to be any pre performance excitement surrounding Whitney. It was as if nobody around Whitney really expected her to perform that Saturday evening. It’s ironic and telling that of all people on Saturday afternoon, Ray J assisted the DEVIL in the details, Clive Davis, below, with pre-Grammy party rehearsals and dressings.
Along with cocaine and marijuana, Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012 with alcohol, Xanax, flexeril (muscle relaxant) and diphenhydramine (benadryl) in her system. From that drug cocktail, all of Whitney’s consciousness and resistance could have been blacked out. She must have collapsed semi-comatose. Whitney was undressed then placed in the bath tub filled with water. As popular TV CNN journalist Nancy Grace had once speculated, someone pushed her head below the water;[20] and left removing traces of cocaine, drugs and the bed sheets.[21] It is also important never to forget that Jonestown and the Peoples Temple was primarily a deep cover CIA/NAZI experimental ethic/psychological warfare medical and mind control program. One of its objectives was the study of mass and individual TRANCE control with drugs. Potential troublemakers, defectors and cohorts in Jonestown were studied and kept under tight control in a special “extended-care unit” where they were traumatized; heavily drugged; sensory isolated, sleep, food deprived and re-educated-Psychic Driving. Some were kept in a constant semi-comatose state until the end of Jonestown.[22] The Jonestown MK ULTRA drug warehouse included thousands of doses of Thorazine (11,000 doses) Quaaludes, Demerol (20,000 doses), Seconal, Valium, Morphine sulphate, Vistaril, and Talwin used to control behavior and the mind.[23] The silent drug protocols and mind control experiments and studies of Jonestown and the Peoples Temple remains most relevant today far more than you can realize. Pretext for Murder, “Yes, Jesus [Little Lucifer] Loves Me”
Above, Ray J and a character named Raffles van Excel hugged up in really strange and weird TRANCE exchange, then check out the other weird exchange between Whitney and R&B artist El DeBarge at the TRU Hollywood Club. El DeBarge, below, is another successful R&B artist broken down and mind controlled with crack-cocaine. Also, check out that ILLUMINATI-Satanic picture behind Raffles and Ray J . Less than 48 hours before her death, Whitney Houston gave a so-called final brief sad performance at TRU Hollywood nightclub with Kelly Price. She sang some of, “Yes, Jesus Loves Me.” [24]
Notice that practically everyone is dressed symbolic black at the TRU Hollywood nightclub with Kelly Price.
At TRU Hollywood, Pat and Whitney is dressed in symbolic black while Bobbie Kristina is dressed in (blood) red similar to the ILLUMINATI the extremely unusual color scheme of the Obamas’ presidential election night celebration. It is likely that Obama’s oldest daughter in blood red dress had been initiated by an ILLUMINATI blood oath covenant of secrecy. Whereas, it suggests that Bobbie Kristina has also been likewise been initiated. MORE IN PRT 2

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