Thursday, May 31, 2012

new u can use???? codes names in ur idols alter egoz

The GAME and Young Buck caught in a real strange and suspect HollyWeird moment. Young Buck shows that he can offer little if any resistance to the overly aggressive GAME and the GAME knows it.
There is a lot of speculative stuff on the internet about the ritual sacrifice of Whitney Houston and Queen Elizabeth nonsense. However, there is no doubt that in the evening of Saturday, February 11, 2011, while the Black Diva was lying dead in a Beverly Hilton hotel room, there were predominately 800 white guests, Alicia Keys and other black entertainers, a floor below, chillingly, celebrating her death. One of Satan’s newest playgirls of the Occult, Alicia Keys with the “Devil Horns” and “Veiled Eye of Horus” was the headliner of the the Clive Davis affair. Above, she is appropriately dressed for the occasion. Dressed in red, it is the color of the Oriental Dragon. She also tells the world that she has reached a new low. She had taken one more bite of forbidden fruit, “Adam’s Apple.” In the Garden of Eden, Adam universally partaken sin by eating the red apple. The color of the apple from religious, Greek mythology, and history was red. The color red is also the color of symbolic sacrifice. “And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.” Matthew 27:28 It is also one of the colors of the Scarlet Woman of Revelation [Revelation 17:1-6]. Red is also the color of Blood Sacrifice.
The red dress has a picture of figure most likely Medusa of Greek Mythology. Medusa was a legendary Gorgon, a BEAST. Nicky performed a ceremony at the Grammys that was dubbed, “The Exorcism of Roman“, which I believe was directly related to the Symbolic Sacrifice of the Black Diva-Messiah. One of Nicky Minaj’s widely mass media cerebrated alter MPD personalities is ROMAN ZOLANSKI. It is actually ABC’s The View-Whoopi Goldberg’s friend and her former boyfriend’s Satanic Mentor, ROMAN POLANSKIi, the Devil in the Details. They play no games.
ROMAN POLANSKI is a notorious elite fugitive pedophile and powerful international Luciferian.[31] During the 1960s, POLANSKI was part of an extremely dangerous and chilling Hollywood star studded satanic coven in Laurel Canyon near Lookout Mountain linked to the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy; and convicted MK ULTRA mass murderer Charles Manson. The Laurel Canyon coven of Lookout Mountain has also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the occult of the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.
POLANSKI has produced and directed two of the most infamous clandestine Luciferian initiation rite and occulted horror movies in history, Rosemary’s Baby (1968), and the Ninth Gate (2000).[32] POLANASKI was born in Paris, France in 1933. During the reign of Nazis in Eastern Europe, Polanski’s mother was murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. His father barely survived the Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen-Gusen.[33] In 1977, after a photo (child pornography) shoot at the home of actor Jack Nicholson near Lookout Mountain, Polanski was arrested for drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. He was charged with rape but pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor. To avoid sentencing, POLANSKI fled to his home in London, and then moved on to France the following day.[34]
It is interesting to note that the primary prosecuting witness against POLANSKI was Actress Anjelica Huston,[35] the daughter of Hollywood actor and film director, John Huston.[36] Anjelica was the girlfriend of demented Bob Richardson, above, father of the infamous Satanist-Nazi loving fashion iconic photographer of Barack Obama and Kanye West, Terry Richardson. [37] They’re all part of the same secret powerful international Satanic Coven.
Ninth Gate like POLANSKI’s 1968 Rosemary’s Baby [calling forth the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s Moon Child (Satan’s Offspring)] is a slick covert Luciferian initiation rite film. The Ninth Gate is designed to subliminally draw in the unsuspecting and guide and initiate them into and through the nine gates of HELL. So, why is Nicki Minaj reimaging in exorcism an international fugitive, ROMAN POLANSKI, in mass media on the day that Whitney Houston died? Lucifer’s Servants Play No Game: the Sharon Tate Satanic Murders
In 1969, POLANSKI and his Luciferian Coven were involved in one of the most infamous horrific mass murder satanic sacrifices in American History, the Sharon Tate Murders.
On August 9, 1969, Sharon Tate, Victim 1, was eight and a half months pregnant when she and her unborn child were savagely slaughtered in her home, along with four others, by followers of Charles Manson. Tate was married to ROMAN POLANSKI. Sharon was two weeks from giving birth. She pleaded with the assassins, at least, save the baby. The unborn child died in her womb. The horrific mass murders took place at their home located near Lookout Mountain at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon.
One of their victims, Abigail Folger, Victim 2, must have put up a courageous struggle and made a frantic attempt to save her life. She was found blooded and dead just outside the house.
folger suffered massive and savage face stab wounds from the assassins. They no games.
Tate and her former lover, the infamous Hairdresser of the Stars, Jay Thomas Sebring, Victim 3, were hung from the rafters of the ceiling, stabbed, tortured, and strangled to death.
Their outer victim, Wojciech Frykowski, Victim 4, was also found outside the house blooded, savagely beaten and stabbed to death. Below, Steven Parent, 18, just happened on the crime scene to visit the Polanski’s dog keeper in a back house. He was also slain, stabbed and shot in the head. He became the infamous 5th victim at 10050 Cielo Drive. As they were leaving, the satanic assassins used a towel dipped in Sharon Tate’s blood to write DEATH TO PIGS on the wall and PIG on the front door.
Preston Guillory, a former deputy sheriff in Los Angeles, reportedly revealed that, “A few weeks prior to the [arrests at the] Spahn Ranch raid, we were told that we weren’t to arrest Manson or any of his followers the reason he was left on the street was because our department thought that he was going to launch an attack on the Black Panthers.”[38] The Satanic Slaughters didn’t end on Cielo Drive. On August 10, 1969, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were heinously slain in their home down the way from Laurel Canyon and Hollywood.
WAR (racial) was carved out of Leno’s body. As the satanic assassins left, with the blood of the LaBiancas, they left a false calling call on the wall of the home, again, “Death to Pigs.” Charles “Tex” Watson is generally believed to have been one of the main butcher in the Satanic Tate and LaBrianca Murders. Tex came to California sometime during the summer of 1967. He was in the same Hollywood-Beverly Hills business as Jay Sebring in hair dressing products. Tex had been the co-owner of Crown Wig Creations on the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. In the fall of 1968, Tex joined the Manson Family after allegedly meeting but most likely setup with Charles Manson at the Beach Boys Dennis Wilson’s house in Laura Canyon. POLANSKI’s old Polish friend, Wojciech Frykowski, and Jay Sebring were involved in the Beverly Hills/Los Angeles drug trade linked to the Canadian Mob through the infamous French Connection. POLANSKI’s inner circle regularly supplied Tex and Manson Family with drugs, which included “Orange Sunshine” LSD. Tex wrote in his prison memoir, Will You Die for Me?, that it was the use of the Orange Sunshine LSD that finally convinced him that Manson’s Helter Skelter, apocalyptic vision was real. Orange Sunshine was primarily manufactured and distributed by a group known as “The Brotherhood of Eternal Love” who operated out of a beach resort near Los Angeles. One of the Brotherhood’s major drug manufacturers and dealers was Ronald Hadley Stark of New York. The Brotherhood was controlled by Ronald Stark, whom an Italian High Court concluded had been a CIA agent since 1960. The Brotherhood’s funds were channeled through Castle Bank in the Bahamas, a known CIA “proprietary.” Stark had been secretly attached to a CIA project later to be revealed as MK ULTRA. Additionally, Sharon Tate was a well known and established “Witch”, who was inducted into witchcraft in London on the set of the POLANSKI-directed film, The Fearless Vampire Killers, by Alexander Saunders, “King of the Witches.” Saunders had received direct ‘training’ as a child from the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. The POLANSKI house had been a well known coven haven that practiced witchcraft and conducted regular satanic rituals and ceremonials that included Tex and the Manson Family. Manson Family Member, Susan Atkins, above, had also been a well known and infamous “Witch” of Mendocino County that had been part of POLANSKI‘s secret Satanic Coven. Susan “Sexy Sadie” Atkins, who admitted stabbing Sharon Tate, was also an adept of the infamous Satanist Anton Szandor LeVay, Church of Satan. Below, Susan Aktins, nude, in a 1966 satanic ritual with her Luciferian Mentor, Anton LeVay.
LeVay, below left, with the familar demonic hypnotic stare was the technical advisor to POLANSKI’s legendary Rosemary’s Baby which Sharon Tate also played a small part in, and is generally believed to have played the part of the DEVIL in the movie.
After Tex’s extradition from Texas to face murder charges, a self destruct or termination alter personality took over Tex’s primary personality to protect his MK ULTRA handlers, the sources of his mind control programming. In October of 1970, Tex was sent to Atascadero State Hospital. He was adjudged insane and unable to stand trial. A report said the then 24-year-old was “turning into a vegetable.” He was being fed by a tube having lost 50 pounds and staring off into space and giggling. A UPI story quotes the report, “He remains mute and nonverbal,” it said. “At times he appears to understand and tears well up in his eyes.”
He subsequently was tried and convicted of murder, but his handlers remain unknown. However, we know that after he arrived in California and before joining the Manson Family in the fall of 1968, Tex had lived at 8584 Wonderland Avenue for 5-6 months. It was enough time for him to be mind control programmed for a special operational project of MK ULTRA. The secret and classified 8935 Lookout Mountain Blvd facility sits directly opposite to and just down the way to the inamous Wonderland Avenue of Laurel Canyon.
The Polanski Satanic Cult, Manson Family and the Sharon Tate sacrifices were secret projects of the Lookout Mountain Laboratory. For decades, the mountains and canyons, particularly Laurel Canyon, overlooking Hollywood hid a lot of things even outlaws of Wild-Wild West and racialist “White Knights” to a complete $4 million pre WWII Nazi Compound and Fort.[41] Hidden in a valley in Laurel Canyon on Wonderland Park Avenue during the 1960s was a Top-Secret U.S. Military propaganda machine, Lookup Mountain Laboratory. In 1941, the United States, the Army Air Corps (1352d Motion Picture Squadron) secured a 21/2 acre hidden from view site in Wonderland Park Valley, now Wonderland Park Avenue in Laurel Canyon and turned it into a top secret electrical fenced movie production house identified as the Lookup Mountain Laboratory.[42] In 1947, two years after the end of World War II, Lookout Lab operations suddenly covered post-war propaganda for all branches of the U.S. Military, which indicates it had come under the domain of the Pentagon. The Lab was turned into what had been claimed to be the world’s only completely self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[43] Lookup Mountain Laboratory also had something to do with developing secret weapon testing films for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The existence of this facility wasn’t acknowledged until the early 90s even though it had produced some 19,000 government propaganda films, and had the likes of John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe working there with top-secret clearances on national security “undisclosed projects”[44]. Lookout Mountain Lab and CIA MK ULTRA Mind Control Svali, an alias, an Illuminati defector revealed that there was a secret location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control”.[45] Most likely than not, it was the Lookout Mountain Lab and the referenced training films were undoubtedly part of the CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program which would be extremely significant and be of great implication. Hollywood civilian studio staff from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO secretly worked alongside its military staff as producers, cameramen and directors.[46] The lab conducted top secret experiments; and shot military training films and documentaries here until the clandestine studio was suddenly decommissioned in 1969 [47] most likely after or just prior to the Manson Family Helter Skelter Project in the canyons.[48] The Secret Fort Hunt Treaty between Der Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS and U.S. Government created an Unholy Alliances with the Nazis regarding the national security of the nation. Their collaboration was the roots of the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[49] Following the Fort Hunt Treaty, over tens of thousands ardent Nazi scientist, doctors, technicians, military, intelligence and counter intelligence operatives-specialists were secretly smuggled into the U.S through Project PAPERCLIP then clandestinely nested in federal national security departments; military, and other U.S. agencies and departments; local governments, universities, hospitals, and corporations. The National Security Act of July 26, 1947 officially established the CIA. The Nazis, particularly the SS, Set-Baphomet Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun, officially went on the U.S. Government-Taxpayer payrolls, and the operations at Lookout Lab suddenly significantly expanded and increased that very same year. I suspect that Lookout Lab was the result of yet another secret Nazi and U.S. Government collaboration. It was an extension of Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels’ Nazi Propaganda Machine into America. Reichsminister Goebbels had been largely responsible for creating the Nazi mass media propaganda program to control public and world opinion to among other things; spin the rise of the mythic Fuehrer, expand Nazi Germany’s Wotan (Aryan Supremacy) Paganism and mask and veil its vast military and intelligence global aggression war machine for world domination; racial genocide of Jews and People of Color.

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