Thursday, May 31, 2012

Devil in the Details: Clive Davis and the Paradigm Shift

You would assume that the U.S. Homeland Security, LAPD, and Beverly Hilton Hotel Security Staff would have been under some type of terrorism alert; Grammy VIPs and clients would be under tight security and surveillance preceding the event. You would think that traffic would be controlled, employees, guests, and visitors surrounding the 2012 Grammys would be checked and cleared. Ordinarily, at the least, hotel security would coordinate with VIP protective details well ahead of the event and their arrival in Los Angeles. Yet, they want us to believe that this nation’s biggest and most important entertainment industry celebrity VIP and precious corporate human commodity was left to run “Willy Nilly” in Los Angeles; to romp, skip and jump through the city and the Beverly Hilton Hotel without security or surveillance. The Times reported that days before her death, Whitney was reportedly wandering aimlessly alone through the Beverly Hilton, inebriated “smelled of alcohol and cigarettes”, roving through the lobby, halls and ballrooms disoriented, disheveled in mismatched clothes and hair dripping wet, acting strangely skipping around a ballroom and reportedly doing handstands near the hotel pool.[6] During this time, they want the public to really believe that America’s most important and visible entertainment icon attending the 2012 Grammys Award Celebrations was open to being kidnapped, assaulted or assassinated by a foreign terrorist, stalker or sick assailant. It would have been like 9-11, it could have caught U.S. Homeland Security, Local and State Police and America’s Private Security Industry with their draws down again. They want the public to believe that Whitney Houston was left Willy Nilly disheveled, disorientated, stumbling, bleeding,[7] and alone in Los Angeles. If Whitney Houston was left alone on this national high profile occasion -it’s because it had been planned. They know exactly who she was with minute by minute, and hour by hour of every day that she was at the Beverly Hilton. Yet, Ray J is always allowed to lurk in the background. If Whitney Houston was left without eyes and ears, a professional security team, its because Clive Davis wanted it that way. They wanted her in corrupt and compromised Los Angeles, the site and center of the cover-up of Michael Jackson’s assassination by the ILLUMINATI. The Black Diva was setup from the beginning, drugged, programmed with self destruct alters, and dropped in the middle of a bunch of dysfunctional and messy MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI/LUCIFERIAN BLOOD OATH Negroes; and all they had to do was just walk away. It’s a perfect backdrop for a powerful racialist multi-million dollar white corporate structure to get away with first degree murder and cash in on multi-million dollar insurance policies. That’s exactly what Philip Anschutz (AEG) did to Michael Jackson in the very same venue.
Clive Davis born in 1932 in New York is an elite music industry executive made and maintained by privilege, class, race and oligarchy. In 1966, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) reorganized its corporate structure which made CBS Records a separate-special unit of CBS controlled by Clive Davis. Davis was born and rose from the Columbian ILLUMINATI of New York.[9] According to the late investigative reporter Eustace Mullins, Clive Davis’ benefactor in 1966, CBS’s late Founder and Chairman of Board William S. Paley, was both a conduit and operative for the CIA. Many directors of CBS had CIA ties.[10] The CIA learned the art of deception by overlaying its inner core group with members of elite secret blood oath societies from the country’s fore fathers and most recently from the Nazis. Whereas, their primary duties become maintaining secrecy instead of the U.S. Constitution. The CIA has had long covert associations with major mainstream news publications. By far the most valuable of these associations, according the CIA officials, have been CBS. “The CIA even ran training programs to teach agents to be journalists who were then placed or ‘embedded’ in major news organizations with help from management. The goal is informational-management designed by leading behavioural scientists from academia, or in CIA jargon, a psychological operation with which to secure a specific and predictable reaction from unsuspecting consumers of news.”[11] The specific and predictable reaction that they want is undoubtedly forms of white supremacy (oligarchy), mind and behavior control of the masses. The CBS Records Group was led by Clive Davis until his dismissal in 1972, after it was discovered that he had used CBS funds to finance his personal life, including an expensive bar mitzvah party for his son. We call it elite white collar corporate felony embezzlement with criminal impunity.[12] In March 1968, CBS and Sony formed CBS/Sony Records, a complex Japanese business joint venture. It also started the process of bringing Arista Records back under common ownership with its former parent Columbia Pictures, a Sony division since 1989. It also brought Arista founder and corporate embezzler Clive Davis back into the spotlight as Sony Music’s Chief Creative Officer.[13] White corporate ILLUMINATI criminals like Clive Davis from an ILLUMINATI background and CIA asset like CBS, they have their privileges that transend the law. Davis lives with a male partner who’s a physician. They live in a Vicente Wolf-decorated apartment on East 57th Street and spend weekends in Pound Ridge, NY.[14] Reportedly, he first discovered 19-year-old Whitney Houston in her gospel-singer mother’s cabaret act in a club called Sweet Waters in Manhattan. He signed Whitney to a contract with Arista Records. Clive Davis was responsible for molding and guiding Houston’s early career. Remember before his assassination, Michael Jackson exposed Sony and its business executives, and administrators, such as Sony President Tommy Mottola as “devils” and “racists,” and blamed people at that company as well as others for creating a “conspiracy” against him by tarnishing his image with child sex abuse accusations because they wanted to emotionally and financially break him to gain the rights to his 50 percent share ownership of the Sony-ATV music publishing catalog that includes the lucrative Beatles Music Catalog In June 2011 on L.A. radio station KOST 103.5′s morning show, Davis admitted that he had lost interest in Whitney Houston. Davis flat out said he would never get back on the bandwagon with Whitney unless her graceful voice returned. Davis said “Whitney has admitted that she’s had to conquer a drug addiction. That takes all of her energy. She also has had a very difficult time giving up cigarettes. In comparison, it sounds slight. But if you do have a cigarette problem in this instance, you can’t give it up. It is taking all of her energy. I know that she’s committed to do it. I know that she loves music. Right now she’s dealing with that situation and we’re not going to make another record or an album until that golden voice is there and is fully capable to knock everyone out.”[15] Contrast Davis’ statement with the music industry treatment of white British Pop Singer, Adele. She received a lot of attention when she developed voice problems that affected her singing. Her voice problems were attributed to her inability to stop smoking. To protect her very special voice as some sort of national treasury, doctors ordered her to cancel tour and promotional appearances; rest, recovery and special attention for almost a year. Subsequently, the 23-year-old Grammy winner was sent to the United States- Boston to undergo special throat laser microsurgery with Dr. Steven Zeitels, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center.[16] As Whitney Houston lay in the Los Angeles Coroner’s office, Adele with surgical repaired vocal cords performed and took home six Grammys including the prestigious trifecta of record, song and album of the year.[17] Adele’s record label is Columbia Records.[18] Columbia Records is an American record label, owned by Sony Music Entertainment.[19] Clive Davis is not interested in Whitney Houston as a human being and friend, or her music for the sake of uplifting, healing and spiritual inspiration. His concern is mass media manipulation, regulation and control. He is a Luciferian/ILLUMINATI regulator that conspires in all things in a secret paradigm shift to ruthlessly control the flow, content and message of Black Music and artists, and the minds of the masses, globally. The Devil in the Details: the Suppression, Fall and Death of Another Black Diva, Phyllis Hyman
The late beautiful and spiritual Phyllis Hyman had an extraordinary voice and remarkable stunning 6’ 2” presence. Phyllis was signed to Buddha Records who came under Arista’s ownership while Clive Davis was president of the label. During the four years that Hyman was under Davis’ mentorship, she came to loathe him. According to some, Phyllis was a very proud and opinionated woman who irked Davis, who was rumored to be a closeted homosexual pedophile. Reportedly, Hyman became stunned that Clive Davis would not consider giving her R & B ballads a chance. Hyman remade the hit of the Stylistics “Betcha By Golly Wow”. She thought that its success would demonstrate a continuous trend of the success of R&B for the future. However, Davis had a different global agenda that they could manipulate and control through Pop Music. He wanted to control Hyman’s music, content and message. Davis demanded that she drop R&B and Jazz Genres with its deep African roots and influences; crossover and sell and promote corporate controlled Pop music. Queen Divine as she knew that she had been, Hyman rebelled and was left deliberately unrecorded for four years to quell her message. Due to contractual obligations to Clive Davis and Arista, she couldn’t sign with another label. Like Michael Jackson and Sony-Arista records tried to destroy Hyman’s career by deleting her key albums and CDs. They also conspired to prevent her from recording full length albums elsewhere. During Phyllis’ legal battles with Arista, Clive Davis promoted Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Angelea Bofill and 22 year old Whitney Houston in 1985. In June 1995, 46 year old Phyllis Hyman was found dead in her New York apartment. The coroner listed the cause of death as an intentional overdose of pentobarbital and secobarbital (sleeping pills).[20] Five months after her death, Clive Davis released her last album, “I Refuse to Be Lonely.” The album reached #12 in the Billboard R&B album chart, and peaked at #67 in the Billboard 200.[21] In regards to Phyllis Hyman, nobody seemed to have questioned her death and looked for the Devil in the Details. If anyone wanted her dead, it was Clive Davis. Queen Diva had been extremely vocal and public in exposing Clive Davis as a high level pedophile. The Devil in the Details: The Fall of the Black Diva TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 At Whitney Houston’s funeral, Clive Davis spoke. He said that he accepted Whitney Houston at his private bungalow at the same Beverly Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 before her death. He noted, particularly, that she was without security. It appears after her stay alone in Clive Davis’ private bungalow on Tuesday that she started exhibiting and playing out bizzarre behaviors Wednesday through Thursday, February 9, 2012. It is established that Clive Davis financially sponsored Whitney’s week long jaunt at the hotel before the Grammys. She had been contracted to be one of his scheduled performers for his pre-Grammy party. It was Clive Davis that drew Whitney into the notoriously corrupt LADP jurisdiction and venue. Whitney checked into the hotel accompanied by an entourage of family, friends and co-workers, but no security detail. If Whitney didn’t have security, it appears that is the way it was meant to be. It was the way that Clive Davis wanted it to be. The LUCIFERIAN/ILLUMINATI elite wanted her alone without professional eyes and ears. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012
In June 2011 on L.A. radio station KOST 103.5′s morning show, Davis admitted that he had lost interest in Whitney Houston. Davis flat out said he would never get back on the bandwagon with Whitney unless her graceful voice returned. Davis said “Whitney has admitted that she’s had to conquer a drug addiction. That takes all of her energy. She also has had a very difficult time giving up cigarettes. In comparison, it sounds slight. But if you do have a cigarette problem in this instance, you can’t give it up. It is taking all of her energy. I know that she’s committed to do it. I know that she loves music. Right now she’s dealing with that situation and we’re not going to make another record or an album until that golden voice is there and is fully capable to knock everyone out.”[15] Contrast Davis’ statement with the music industry treatment of white British Pop Singer, Adele. She received a lot of attention when she developed voice problems that affected her singing. Her voice problems were attributed to her inability to stop smoking. To protect her very special voice as some sort of national treasury, doctors ordered her to cancel tour and promotional appearances; rest, recovery and special attention for almost a year. Subsequently, the 23-year-old Grammy winner was sent to the United States- Boston to undergo special throat laser microsurgery with Dr. Steven Zeitels, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center.[16] As Whitney Houston lay in the Los Angeles Coroner’s office, Adele with surgical repaired vocal cords performed and took home six Grammys including the prestigious trifecta of record, song and album of the year.[17] Adele’s record label is Columbia Records.[18] Columbia Records is an American record label, owned by Sony Music Entertainment.[19] Clive Davis is not interested in Whitney Houston as a human being and friend, or her music for the sake of uplifting, healing and spiritual inspiration. His concern is mass media manipulation, regulation and control. He is a Luciferian/ILLUMINATI regulator that conspires in all things in a secret paradigm shift to ruthlessly control the flow, content and message of Black Music and artists, and the minds of the masses, globally.

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