Sunday, January 15, 2012

real truth u cant deny it

The battle wages on with the forces that slew Michael Jackson and his genius. Michael told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to kill him. Their quest is to enslave the soul, spirit and chemistry of people through music. We battle a more evil, violent and ruthless then ever before Luciferian New Babylonian Pseudo Kingship over the World. Janet Jackson is its MK ULTRA Cyborg ILLUMINATI High Priestess Poster Child; and WHORE OF BABYLON.


Attending Day 2 of the Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray trial in Los Angeles for the Assassination of Michael Jackson (MJ), Janet Jackson created a little buzz on the internet wearing v-neck dress and an ILLUMINATI-Luciferian symbol on her necklace, the All-Seeing Eye of Horus.[1] Janet Jackson was implanting a deliberate statement of Fidelity and Submission to Forces of Baphomet that slew MJ. She is also saying, WE’RE WATCHING YOU.

Janet’s inverted pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye is no accident. It suggests a Masonic Luciferian hierarchical order from the bottom few elite up. It is the same inverted hierarchical order used by Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite Knights of Golden Circle (KGC).

Above, Janet bonds with the waxing crescent moon of the KGC as shown above in a rare secret KGC ritual from the late 19th Century. The crescent waxing moon opens to a New Moon. It represents an initiation of the initiate to a higher NEW degree of revealed wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order. Don’t fool yourself. Janet Jackson’s plaything with the Occult is by far no passing fantasy. The ILLUMINATI play no games.

It shouldn’t be of any surprise to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Under CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH, MJ and Janet Jackson since their most impressionistic years were early research trauma based mind control victims by some of the Old Luciferian Masters. They were subjects of MK ULTRA when research, development and experimentation was still governmental Top Secret.

Since the late 1960s, Janet like MJ have been locked into a blood oath of secrecy inside an underground music industry Scottish Rite-Luciferian Cult. For some reason, MJ recovered WILL and RESISTED in ways that we yet fully understand. He had seen and heard it all. He had been among and knew the ways of the Old Masters of Mind Control. Below, MJ’s interesting and coded tribute to one of his Old Luciferian Knight-Priest “Handlers”, “You Were There.”
Michael Jackson’s Tribute to the Old Luciferian Master, Sammy Davis, Jr.

Notice a form of the Masonic Blazing Star or Star of Ishtar opening Michael’s performance, then look at the top stage spotlights forming the outline IMAGE of the HEAD of BAPHOMET.

MJ tried to speak out, but was subjected to strict control under Demerol and other experimental hallucinogenic drugs until they liquidated him under deep cover of a Scottish Rite black Patsy, Dr. Conrad Murray. Janet has never developed the WILL to RESIST the Controllers.

Janet’s “Hand on Heart” is a secret Masonic Luciferian gesture as exhibited by a youthful Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. It has several meanings mainly, depending on the exact location of the hand and positioning of the fingers, while the left hand on the heart, indicates relations with the occultism. The thumb extended upwards leaving the hand to square in the signals of position “L” the fidelity to the elite or the organization. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superiors.

Above, Janet in a Baphomet Pose. Unlike MJ, Janet has found no inner strength or will to RESIST or SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER. She won’t talk about the people, forces and Wizard-Knights of the ILLUMINATI behind MJ’s death, Philip Anschutz of AEG, Al Malnik of the Mob (Project Underworld) and Gordon Novel of the CIA.

Philip Anschutz, left in a high level Scottish Rite gesture, you won’t hear his name mentioned in the Dr. Conrad Murray Case and the Assassination of Michael Jackson. He is one of the Richest Men in the World. He is one of those One (1) Percent-ers that intend to turn the World’s Sport and Entertainment industry into an “One World Government” domain for the ILLUMINATI.

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