Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mysterious Life And Death Of Stephanie Ellis, The First Female Astronaut To Go Into Space

Stephanie Ellis was born in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) in 1946, arrived in America at the age of 7 months. She was a LM specialist, she worked with Grumman Bethpage for new implementations on the navigation system of the LM (Note that LM15 was officially destructed by Grumman). She contributed to debug the Luminary program, who was never bug free. Apollo 19 and 20 had serious problems with docking and rendezvous. Her technical knowledge was as deep as Roger Chaffee. She was a wonderful and funny person. I have some pictures of her in the LEM and Ingress 16 mm footage. I'll not show the other members of the crew.

Frames from the “Apollo 20 flyover” on a presumed alien spaceship, on the backside of the Moon

L.S. Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside?

W.R. We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact.

L.S. Did you visit “the City” on the Moon? Where was it? Did you understand if was there a connection with the Space ship? Are “the City” and “the Ship” still there?

W.R. The "City" was named on Earth and scheduled as station one, but it appeared to be a real space garbage, full of scrap, gold parts, only one construction seemed intact (we named it the Cathedral ). We made shots of pieces of metal, of every part wearing calligraphy, exposed to the sun. The "City" seem to be as old as the ship, but it is a very tiny part. On the rover video, the telephotolens make the artifacts greater.

L.S. What about the “Mona Lisa EBE”? [the correct Italian name is “Monna Lisa”] How does she look like and where was she at that time, when you found out her on the Moon. Where do you think she is now?

W.R. Mona Lisa – I don’t remember who named the girl, Leonov or me - was the intact EBE. Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control meds) was positive. That’s another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the whole story when other videos will be online. This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after.

L.S. Were you able to understand the origin of the spacecraft and how old was it?

W.R. The age was estimated to 1.5 milliards of years, it was confirmed during exploration, we found ejections from the original crust, anorthosite, spirals in feldspathoids, coming from the impact which formed Izsak D. The density of meteor impacts on the ship validated the age, also little white impacts on the Monaco hill at the West of the ship...

(20-21) L.S. Can you give me the technical details for every material you disclosed on YouTube? I mean, can you distinguish among the TV transmissions from the Lunar rover and the camera footages, during the flyovers? I would need to know the details of shooting for every video you spread on the Web. What is the meaning of the strange numbers visible on the videos, which sometimes slowly stream over the frames, in the flyover of the Moon?

W.R. I have answered so much time on this, especially to a ESA astronaut. The transfer was in made in Rwanda, […] with codec and sound recuperation is not good, but it becomes better. The subtitles are not genuine, but put on the videos after transfer. I asked to remove the voices sometimes to protect one person from mission control.

We used three video cameras in Apollo, one on the rover, called GTCA, it is not the name of a company (a commenter made a mistake on this) but a Westinghouse color camera. All three color cameras has a color wheel who produced a time frame delay when transmitting to the earth. I think it could be possible for a company to restore a good TV picture. The CSM camera had a black and white monitor, and produced stable pictures, sharp because focusing was visible on the monitor. The LM camera had a glass visor. The CSM camera was used one time on the AGC Visor, using the coordinates I've transmitted during the flyover video.

The Flyover video was made in zero gravity. I was located on the left window, attitude horizontal, legs around the hammock, lens on the polycarbonate glass. The cameras had a Vidicon tube sensible with light, a large quantity of light, or changing the diaphragms put dropouts during transmission. The markings, numbers are used to perform a good landing. During program 64, when […] in almost in vertical attitude, we had to put the "60" number on the landing site and hold it on the target minutes before landing. These marks are on the both […] windows, you can verify it on a NASA site. Please verify on a genuine NASA site, (I got a flame by somebody who verified on the Apollo 13 movie) the markings had a special angle inclination. If you check it, you'll have an idea of my precise position during this sequence.

L.S. How did you get years ago the copies of the footages of the mission?

W.R. About the footages […] one day, someone I know told me he was charged to maintain security around a container. A building had to be destroyed, and archives had to be burn by a plasma torch. The nuclear power plant didn’t deliver energy at the right price, so the container was plenty of interest things during some days. As human is naturally curious, people charged of security went inside… My friend took video films, a couple of 16 mm plates, boxes of B/W paper, two enlargers… He contacted me for selling the unused paper, and that’s how I discovered the other things. I’ve already seen some picture before, 11*16 pictures were violet/blue, old RC photographies, I watched the tapes, it was not a business affair, I put them in security, the only important thing for me were the BW sheets of paper. It was 15 years ago.

I recently came across some information concerning an African-American astronaut named Stephanie Ellis, who perished in 1975 while on a rather controversial, top secret space mission. According to the info that I came across, her body, and those of her two fellow astronauts who also died, are still in orbit around the earth inside their disabled spacecraft. The mission that she was involved with was the ill-fated Apollo 19 flight (not known to the general public), which was part of a joint NASA-USAF mission to investigate an unusual object on the moon, and to possibly retrieve certain cargo that was inside the object

eply by Jay Thomas II
The "official" NASA info for Apollo 19 has it listed as being planned but cancelled, and it doesn't include Stephanie Ellis on it's list of astronauts for that flight. The cover-up of her death and the actual fate of Apollo 19 was most probably in connection to the purpose of the mission. They launched another top secret flight in '76, Apollo 20, a joint US-Soviet mission. This time, they did investigate the lunar anomaly. According to the info that I've seen, this anomaly was an ancient spacecraft perched on the rim of a crater. It had severe meteor damage, showing that it had been there for thousands of years. What's even more remarkable is that they found at least one well preserved body on board, and one with the head preserved, but the body damaged by meteors. These were thought to be the pilots. They were females, and they were obviously human. And they were women of color. In the photos that I've seen, they look like they are half black, half asian. The ship itself looked like something straight out of ancient Egypt. It was covered in hieroglyphic-type markings. Look up any info on Stephanie Ellis or The Mona Lisa EBE, and you should be able to find the info and photos.
the mission she was on in this vid

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