Friday, January 6, 2012

Man Caught On Video Holding Knife He Just Murdered His Girlfriend With – Stabbed Her TWENTY Times

Junkie Martin Shaw was high on drink and drugs when he stabbed Danielle Thompson 20 times in the chest with the 13-inch blade in a frenzied attack.

He had flown into a rage when mum-of-one Danielle, 21, told him she would leave him if he was jailed for a separate assault charge.

Shaw, 34, has now been jailed for life after pleading guilty at Nottingham Crown Court to murder. He was told it would be 22 years before he could even apply for parole.

The court had heard that the day before the attack, on August 6 this year, Shaw was due to be sentenced at Derby Crown Court for assaulting a man with a baseball bat.

But he failed to turn up, breaching his bail conditions, and instead spent the day bingeing on amphetamines and alcohol.

A short while later, he and Danielle rowed at a friend’s house and Shaw picked up the knife and stormed to the nearby home he shared with her and her mum Marion Lee in Chaddesden, Derbys.

When Danielle arrived home he locked her mum out and attacked his girlfriend as witnesses heard her scream: “I thought you loved me?”

Paul Mann QC, prosecuting, said that Danielle — who had a four-year-old son, Kenzie — had told Shaw that if he was sent to prison for the baseball bat assault then she didn’t want to be with him anymore.

He had then told Marion: “If I can’t have her then no-one else can.”

After the attack, Shaw threw a duvet over Danielle and walked out of the front door and down the street.

He was then caught on CCTV still carrying the knife, before dumping the weapon near some trees and heading to his brother’s house.

Mr Mann told the court how the brother told police Shaw was “hyperactive”.

He said: “The defendant kept saying to his brother, ‘She’s dead, she’s dead, no-one is going to have her now’.”

With the help of witnesses, officers traced Shaw in less than 30 minutes and arrested him at his brother’s home where he was found covered in Danielle’s blood.

Immediately after the attack, Marion had tried to resuscitate her daughter before emergency services arrived and took over.

Danielle was transferred to the Royal Derby Hospital but, despite their efforts, was declared dead by paramedics at around 3am.

Speaking after the life sentence was handed down, Marion said: “I’m buzzing, I’m just so pleased that he got such a long sentence.

“I hope he dies behind bars. I only wish more members of my family were in court to see him put away.”

Detective Inspector Cox, who led the investigation, added: “It was just a very sad incident that led to the loss of a vulnerable young girl.

“Danielle was slight, slim, there was nothing of her. She was no physical threat to Shaw.

“My view is that Danielle would not be in any position to properly defend herself against what was a frenzied attack.

“Danielle and Shaw had been in a tumultuous relationship. For him to take advantage in this way though is both wholly unacceptable and disgusting.

“He is a nasty man.”

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