Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Since a young child I have always been witness to events that many seem choose to ignore, or simply cannot see because of the way we are trained to think..and live.

My earliest memories take place when I was only months old.. and so my story begins...

Being adopted when I was only weeks old, I never knew my biological parents. My adopted mother and father were to share their love with me for the rest of their lives.

Less than a year old..my parents had me with them outside as they did yard work one summer day. I would sit there in the grass admiring all that there was and all so very new to me.
I had already learned much and could distinguish objects in the sky...such as plane...cloud..bird. I could not say them but I did know what they were when spoken to me.Thanks to being outside lots and my mother talking to me and telling me things, I had already "some" understanding of what I could see.

But..one thing she hadn't mentioned and never did was the other things that I could also see in the sky. Those which I saw, I was not taught the word for and truthfully everyone seemed oblivious to them as I would sit there and see these things that were not clouds..nor planes..

For years, what I was seeing was almost creature like..or crafts that almost seemed to be alive..as they Morphed..and changed in shape..color..texture..and even size. They would not be there often, compared to how much I was outside, but enough for me to take notice.

Some were very big..and made me think of the giant whales that swim in our oceans..I was aware of whales but understood them to live in the water..not the sky. I continued to see these crafts/creatures in the sky for about three more years..while I was slowly learning about life..

There were times that I would ask of these, and no one would understand what I was referring to..so..I let it be.
I had much to learn..and other things would eventually capture my eye...and mind.

As time passed and began to see other things that didn't fit in to what I was being taught. I was soon to realize that not everyone could see as others do.. or do not.

My childhood years took me to understandings that not everything was as it seemed. "Paranormal"...a word that I had not yet learned but it was certainly all around me, but I will not lead away from the topic of my experiences with extraterrestrial occurrences. I only mention it, as it is part of what makes me who I am today.

Growing up, I had a tough life..not really fitting in anywhere...be it school or sports. I was always the last one to be picked on a team but always the first one that would get picked on.
That too help me grow as a human, as I began to search within at a young age. I found comfort and happiness in who I was and I did not let it bother me as it could have.
If I was to let the others get to me...I was sure to have been a troubled child.
Luckily for me..it turned out that I was a far bigger person at a young age, than I could see at that time.

Having a fair amount of time alone..and not playing with lots of kids..I did take the time I had and used it to grow..and learn..and discover.

Never being one for television...I found happiness with the outdoors..in the sunshine..and under the stars. I had a great love for nature..and being in the wilderness. I found much comfort in the night sky.

Now eleven years old...I was struggling through elementary school. Much of what was expected of me, I had no understanding of. It all seemed to be just garble...thus...I was not doing well with marks in class.
I made it through another year of school and I was sure that I was passed to the next grade because my teachers did not want to deal with me anymore.

The Mother Ship

It was now summer..the time I loved the most. I would get up with the sun..and get on my bike and ride like I owned the whole city. No one would be awake yet..and very little traffic.
I enjoyed the smell of the morning...and the sun breaking away from the earth..as it brought warmth to my skin..It always made me smile..and it still does....

Half way through the summer...I had something happen, that opened my eyes to things I really had no clue about at the time.

It was mid August and the summer was hot...the night was still very warm as my father and I sat on the back step talking and looking up at the night sky. We lived on the edge of the west side of town..so we got to see far more stars than we would have, if we were more within the city.

It was around 10:30 PM . My father got up from our conversation to get something to drink and went inside the house. I sat there looking up at the sky, listening to the crickets and taking in the beautiful clear night.

It was right after my father went inside that I noticed something in the sky...off to the west. I really couldn't make sense of it as it wasn't like anything I had ever seen.

Initially I had thought what I was seeing was a very large plane..but as it got closer I knew it wasn't. I then thought maybe a very large helicopter but..soon saw that it was not one of those either.
What was approaching was nothing I had even seen in my life..and I could not help but notice how large it was..I kept thinking to myself.."This can't be right" as it was too large to be able to fly.

This craft was massive I could tell already, as it continued to approach and it was still getting larger and larger.

I stood up with my mouth wide open and still trying to figure out what it was that I was seeing.
The forward part of the craft was just beginning to pass over top of me. I was thinking as I stood there that "This must be a dream".
I watched this craft for a very short time..when I realized my father had not come back out yet..and..he was missing seeing it. I began to yell for my dad to come outside.

This craft, was a rectangle shaped craft that may have been miles big, as it covered 3/4 of the sky if not more once it was near above me.
I was now yelling louder and yelling more for my father to come out.The craft directly overhead was so very overwhelming in size. I could not see any detail to it only that I could see it very clearly against the stars. I could see how straight the craft was..and how it was a perfect rectangle that may have been 2 miles long.
The feeling that I got from it and still do is how small I was, how small everything was, as it's massive size seemed to dwarf everything.

It seemed like a long time that I was yelling for my dad and he had yet to come back outside...I found it strange that though not being 10 steps away in the kitchen, he was not coming outside to my calling for him.

I finally ran inside and grabbed him and said you have to see this. I dragged him outside,running and down the steps.I said "Look!"...as we both looked up, I saw that the craft was now gone and I was sure it could still be seen leaving...I said "It's in the front!!" as I ran around the house with my father, only to see a clear sky, bright with stars.

I couldn't make sense of it and again and no one really said anything to me after I had tried to talk about it.

It was then that I put it away in the back of my mind, but I never forgot it. I could not make sense of it nor could I explain it so I wrote it off to it being military.
(I never accepted that, but had no idea what it was.) To date 30 years later I still have no evidence of anything that is man made..that it could have been that massive and it the sky.

Men In Black

Growing up where I was, I had ample opportunity to go to the near by lakes and camp. My parents had a trailer that we would keep in one spot all summer. We had been to that lake the year before..so I was familiar with the area that next summer..

It was the early 80's and the summer was hot. I was at the lake for a week with my family. It was too hot for me to stay in the trailer so I had a 4 man tent set up about ten yards away from the trailer. It was during my week long stay there, that I had a strange and frightening encounter with men in black (MIBs).

It was around 11 PM and I was too hot to sleep and so I had not even attempted to. The night was calm and the stars were out. It was all very nice...peaceful...and the scent was sweet from all the flowers and other plants, that summer brings.
I decided to go for a walk and try to cool off a little bit so I left the campsite and started down a dirt road that was behind a row of cabins that were along the lake shore.
There were very few up at the lake..it was the middle of the week and unless on holidays, no one was around. I continued walking towards town but still I was by the lake.

Suddenly out of nowhere a black car pulled up beside me. I didn't event hear it's approach as it startled me and made me jump away. The car was large and black..with tinted windows. It appeared to be between a '65 and '70s Cadillac Coupe deVille.
Two men suddenly got out from the passenger side doors.They were dressed in black. They had black suits, shoes, ties, hats even black sunglasses though it was night out. They had white shirts on too..which allowed me to see that their appearance was not right. Their skin was almost a light blue color..and odd looking. Certainly not right.

The two men (if they were) started straight for me, which shocked me even more. They were very quick and it seemed that they were on me in an instant. I didn't even have time to react. Each quickly had a hold of my arms as they began to force me towards the car that sat there with the back door open.
I began to struggle when I quickly realized what was taking place. I was being forced into a car in the middle of the night.. by total strangers.

They had me up to the car now as I struggled even harder and put my feet out and tried to push myself away from the open door. The struggle lasted maybe a minute or two. I am not sure how long, as I was fighting for what I thought to be my life. Finally they over powered my resistance as I tried to get free...and the forced me into the back seat of the car.

I was now sitting in between two of the MIBs. I could not see out the side windows only in front..where the dirt road was. The driver looked back...and for a few seconds it seemed as though the three of them were having a conversation..except they never spoke a word at all.
The driver nodded once and then the car began to move.
I was still being held by my arms, with them at my sides. The MIB on my right reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a syringe that was larger then any I had ever seen. I would today have to compare it's size to syringes that are used on large animals
The syringe contained a clear, dark golden liquid. I could see the contents very clear for being where I was as he held it out in front of him. I then realized that it was meant for me. That is when I began to struggle again...even more now.
The MIBs did not have to fight me long till I was totally overpowered by them. The MIB on my right took the syringe and injected the contents into me.

Everything quickly went black, as I lost consciousness.

I don't know how long I was out for but I did regain consciousness for a short time afterward. I thought to myself..."Oh, I am still in the car" as I could see a road below me. But, it was not right..what I was seeing did not make sense to me.
What I could see was a road curving along as we "flew over it". I was about two to three hundred feet above the road. I could see large rocks on the shoreline..but it was not my lake that I was seeing. It appeared to be a large body of water such as the ocean. The waves were of fair size as they crashed on the large rocks and it gave me the impression I was very far from home.
I trying still to make sense of it, I lost consciousness again. I found myself asleep in my tent in the morning. Not having any idea how I got there...I was not feeling right. It was almost like a daze for that entire day.

It still would take years...till it all came together, till I figured out..they were greys that had taken me and made themselves appear as MIBs. I still cannot explain all of what happened that night, but I do know that a man in my hometown had the same type of experience with what may have been the same MIBs, 30 years before my encounter. His took place in the early 50s.

Time passed and went through my teen years, encountering more and more paranormal all around me...Never having people to share any of it with..I kept it too myself...and became more awakened and more aware...
Sometimes I would see strange lights in the sky..but mostly stars and meteorites..nothing of of actual substance..

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