Sunday, December 18, 2011

listen up people=Alkaline vs Acidic: Why Our Bodies Crave A Healthy pH Environment

Have you ever wondered why deodorant commercials brand their products by insuring that they are pH balanced?

The body is largely made up of water, which can either have acid or alkaline properties, measured by a graduated scale called pH (potential hydrogen). The pH levels in our bodies have profound effects on all body chemistry, health, and disease. The management of pH is so important that the body has developed strict accounting procedures to monitor acid-alkaline balances in every cell. Nothing does well in an overly acidic pH state, especially in the human body.

Think about it…. Just as acid rain can destroy a forest, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissues, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. Furthermore, none of the supplements that we discuss are properly assimilated by the body in an acidodic state, thus not having the proper environment to serve our body any justice.

Most diets cause an unhealthy acid pH. In fact, diet appears to be the major influence in maintaining appropriate pH levels throughout the body. Healthy pH states are at 7.5 and higher, medium healthy are between 7.0 and 5.0 and anything below that is VERY DANGEROUS to your body. Certain foods are “acid forming” in nature, including all meats, cheeses, sodas, coffee, alcoholic beverages, sweets and starches. Roughly 75-80 percent of your diet should consist of alkaline-producing foods. Generally speaking, most vegetables and fruits alkalize, as do whey, yogurt, soybeans, almonds, buckwheat, millet and quinoa.

In addition to food, drinking alkaline water is as equally important in maintaining a healthy alkaline state in your body. Water is the driving force behind all forms of life. Our bodies are over 70 percent water and all of our body fluids contain it. Even the food we eat is predominately made up of water. Water adjusts the body’s temperature and through urination and perspiration rids the body of toxins. Most of us are dehydrated and dehydration can lead to great physical impairment.

Dehydration is especially prevalent among men and women over forty but can do harm at any age. It is important to know what kind of water you are drinking. Tap water is treated with many chemicals like chlorine and fluoride (although very healthy for dental hygiene), which are toxins to the body. Many people drink spring or bottled water, which is often purified through reverse osmosis, or distillation. However, many of the bottled waters on the market that have been clinically tested are actually acidic, as is distilled. This means that you are basically buying and drinking tap water enclosed in a plastic labeled bottle, thus only really helping to keep the bottled water industry a multi billion dollar enterprise.

Alkaline food and water are beneficial for flushing out internal toxins, scavenging free radicals, and oxygenating the body. Most of us, including myself, do not consume as many fresh fruits and vegetables in our daily diet intake to aid in maintaining a balanced pH state. So what I do in addition to drinking plenty of alkaline water is have at least one 16 ounce cup of fresh raw green vegetables juiced as a drink every day in addition to my meals.

My drink includes the following veggies for detoxing and replenishment:
bitter melon
ginger root

Again, these should all be RAW and FRESH and preferably ORGANIC and they can be found at your nearest farmer’s market or grocery store. It may not sound or look too tasty, but trust me you will be doing your body its most efficient service and you will feel AMAZING after consuming it.
Remember: when you FEEL better you DO better!

Lots of light & love
Monique Cash

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