Thursday, December 15, 2011

Epitome Of A Little Psycho In The Making: 13-Year-Old Girl Threatens To Murk Santa And All His Reindeer If She Doesn’t Get What She Wants For Christmas

girl u already look like u on ur way 2 being brain flipped u got that look n ur eyes whts with people this so called christmas i guess its the paganz acting up in em lol

Somebody please go a smack fire out of this little girl and her mother.

A British teenager has threatened to kill Santa Claus if she doesn’t get what she wants.

“This Christmas, I don’t ask for much, so if I don’t get at least two of the things I want, I will literally kill you! Do you understand?! Oh, also, I’ll hunt down your reindeers, cook them and serve their meat to homeless people on Christmas Day,” Mekeeda Austin, 13, wrote in her letter, the Daily Mail reported. “No one wants that, so here’s what I want.”

The girl lists a BlackBerry, money, a dress, high-top Converse shoes and the real Justin Bieber.

“Remember, two of these or you die,” she wrote, signing it, “Love from Keedy.”

You’re probably thinking this is just a joke, right? After all, she is thirteen. And no 13-year-old who wants us to think she’s that gully could possibly still believe in Santa… right???

Nah. This little heifer is dead serious. And here’s why she is the way she is: her mother is the wankster-est of them all.

“I know it sounds like she is spoiled but I like to get my daughter what she wants, also you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her,” Tracey Soares told the newspaper, although she admitted getting the Canadian pop singer might be difficult because Bieber “will be busy with (his) own (family) on Christmas Day.”

Itchbay, what??? On second thought, just smack the i out of the mother.

source cnnews

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