Crime has increased dramatically in the last 50 years. For example, aggravated assault in the US increased from 60 per 100,000 to over 440 per 100,000 between 1957 and 1992 [FBI statistics]. And 9-11 was the worst-ever act of terrorism.
The Bible says, ‘in the last days lawlessness will increase’ (Mat 24.12)
Air pollution fatalities now exceed traffic fatalities by 3 to 1 [Earth Policy Institute]. The view from space is becoming marred by smoke and dust [NASA astronauts]. Mercury pollution e.g. from coal-fired power stations, is rising and is a huge threat to health [UN report].
The Bible says, ‘the earth will be polluted by men’ (Isa 24.5)
By 2100 global warming is predicted to raise temperatures by 2.5 – 10.4 deg F [UN Panel on Climate Change]. This will lead to more frequent and intense storms, and sea level rising by up to a meter, depending on CO2 concentration. If the Greenland ice sheet melted completely, sea level rise would be 7m! Over the past half million years CO2 concentration in the atmposhere has peaked at around 275 ppm, but since the industrial revolution it has risen dramatically and is fast approaching 400ppm! Up to the end of the 20th century, 1998 was the hottest on record worldwide, and 2006 was the hottest year on record for the UK. The UN reports that up to 50 million people could be displaced by climate change by 2010. See also Climate Change.
The Bible says, ‘the sea and the waves will roar (Lk 21.25) and the earth will be scorched with fierce heat’ (Rev 16.9)
Water tables are falling on every continent e.g. 1.5m/year in China and 1 – 3m/year in India. Taken together, India, China and Pakistan pump about 400 cubic km of underground water for irrigation in a year - twice as much as is recharged by the rains. Aquifers are emptying. In Africa, persistent drought since the late 1960’s has caused Lake Chad to shrink by 95% in the last 38 years. Two out of every three people will be short of water by 2025 [National Geographic, Worldwatch Institute, and Tearfund].
The Bible says, ‘the earth will wither and fade’ (Isa 24.4)
With rising temperatures and sea level, increased drought and pollution, increased terrorism, and even the threat of asteroid impact, governments of the world are coming under increasing stress.
The Bible says there will be ‘dismay among nations’, with ‘men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world’ (Lk 21.25,26)
Since independence in 1948, Israel has increased the cultivated area from 165,000 ha to over 420,000 ha. Prior to 1948 much of the land was semi-arid due to deforestation and soil erosion. Now, fruit orchards cover some 60,000 ha and produced 571,000 tons of fruit in 1997. This includes apples, pears, peaches, apricots, bananas, mangos, dates, olives, grapes and avocados.
The Bible says, ‘in the last days, Israel will blossom and fill the whole world with fruit’ (Isa 27.6)
For 6,000 years man was limited to travelling at 40 km/hr (on horseback); now he can travel at 40,000 km/hr by rocket. A hundred years ago, air travel was unheard of; now there are thousands of commercial flights each day. For millennia man has worshipped the sun; now he understands it is a nuclear reaction turning hydrogen into helium. A hundred years ago a person died if their heart failed; now they can have a transplant.
The Bible says, ‘in the last days many will travel, and knowledge will increase’ (Dan 12.4)
For 6,000 years man communicated at 50 bits/s (by speech); now he communicates at Giga bit/s by optical fibre. Universal product codes (UPC's), electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) in shops, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions (SWIFT), biometric and RFID - radio frequency identification, all herald the cashless society (see also Reality).
The Bible says, ‘(at the end of this age) no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark' (Rev 13.17)
In September 2008 there were 986 Potentially Hazerdous Asteroids or PHAs . These asteroids are larger than 150m diameter and could get within 7 million km of earth [NASA]. It only needs one to hit!
The Bible indicates that an asteroid type object will land in the sea (Rev 8.8)
Summarising, the Bible is more up to date than tomorrows newspaper, and predicts:
Increased drought
Increased pollution
Increased lawlessness
Increased temperatures
Increased agriculture in Israel
Increased travel
Increased computer control of every individual
and what appears to be an asteroid impact!
The Bible also says
“the gospel shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world – and then the end of this age will come” (Mat 24.14).
Time is short, since over 99% of the world’s 6 billion people can hear broadcasts of the basic Christian message if they have a radio or the Internet. Here it is again:
“God loves us so much that He gave us His Son (Jesus), so whoever trusts in Him won’t suffer destruction, but will have everlasting life” (Jn 3.16)
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