Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MCC minister’s drug and sex party leads to death

Minister Calls 911, Says He Barely Knows The Man

FERNDALE, Mich. --
A 43-year-old man died after a sex party Sept. 20 at the Ferndale Police chaplain's house.

Police Chaplain Rev. Mark Bidwell, who is also the minister at Ferndale's Metropolitan Community Church, called 911 Wednesday morning to report a man at his home had stopped breathing.

"I've got someone who has apparently stopped breathing," Bidwell said.

He said he met the man, Steven Fitch, of Lincoln Park, on a website the night before. Bidwell told police he invited Fitch over to his house for sex and that he didn't know anything about him.

911 dispatcher: "How old is he?"

Bidwell: "Honestly, I don't even know. We just met today."

Police said Fitch brought crystal methamphetamine to Bidwell's home and injected himself. Fitch later died at a hospital.

Bidwell told police that Fitch injected him with the drug as well.

The men had sex and invited a third man over to join the party, police said.

The 911 dispatcher asked Bidwell if Fitch was using any narcotics.

"Um. I don't know," Bidwell told the dispatcher.

Ferndale Mayor Dave Coulter said Bidwell is a respected member of the gay community and is involved in the entire Ferndale community.

"This is not the Rev. Bidwell that I or most of us know," Coulter said. "I am shocked and sad and worried for him."

Police said Bidwell has been relieved of his chaplain duties at the Ferndale Police Department.

Police also said there was no evidence to charge Bidwell.

Bidwell did not respond to Local 4's request for comments.

This was apparently something the “respected member” of the community engaged in on a regular basis. Birdwell told police he met the man on a gay sex website and invited him over for sex.

Just several weeks prior to the deadly drug and sex party at his home, Bidwell falsely accused Reverend David C. Vorce, President and CEO of the International Fellowship of Chaplains, Inc of “advocating the murder of homosexuals”. [source] Bidwell dropped out of a chaplaincy improvement program citing fear of Vorce.

Very typical given the low standards of personal conduct for MCC clerics. According a statement from the denomination’s website, Bidwell has since resigned as pastor of the church. Notice that the only thing they were concerned with was the “illegal drug use”. Said the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, Moderator of the Metropolitan Community Church:

“We are deeply saddened whenever drug addiction impacts an individual or a community. No community across this country is immune from the scourge of illegal drugs, but when it hits close to home, we are reminded of the commitment we have to teach people about the harms of drug abuse and to be a place of spiritual healing for those who are recovering.”

We’ve reported before on this gross caricature of a Christian denomination and its ministers who have portrayed Christ as a promiscuous homosexual having sex with his disciples, a prominent MCC minister who openly claimed to masturbate to images of Jesus, purchased a $55,000 ventriloquist Jesus, members arent required to believe Jesus is savior, encouraged people to deface the bible out of hate toward scriptures that condemn homosexuality and more religious madness than you can imagine.

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