Wednesday, July 13, 2011

David Tyree & Biblical Marriage.

Sadly a modern day saint can’t even endure somebody “talking about them” in the church without leaving the church and no longer attending. But what is even more crazy is how no major “so called” Christian leader has stepped up to challenge the enemy and his lies. Think about it: have you heard any rebuttals from Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, COGIC Bishop Charles E. Blake, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Creflo Dollar, John Hagee, Paula White, Eddie Long? NO! And you won’t for two reasons.

1. They are not true Christian Leaders (or believers for that matter) for obvious reasons (google their names).

2. To speak out against homosexuality will cost them major money, followers, and popularity. Meaning they would actually have to suffer for Christ. Now why would they do that? (rhetorical question)

Please keep Brother Tyree in prayer. Also if you’re on Facebook like the group We Support David Tyree & Biblical Marriage.“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God forsalvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17

Everyday this world as we know it moves closer and closer to destruction. Don’t close out this blog just yet, I’m not preaching the “end of the world is today” stuff. However, I am preaching something that needs to be heard. The truth.

It seems as if that message (The Truth) is an archaic one. Few want to hear it. Others who claim to know it, don’t want to share it with others. Why is that? When a person is abused by a sexual predator and caught, the courts make it their business to let everyone know that the perpetrator is a threat to society.

Sexual predators are immediately locked up and then if they are lucky enough to be released back into the world, they are heavily marked in police systems, newspapers and internet sites etc.

What about when a car dealer sells you a bad car and then fails to help you when it breaks down? You go out and “speak the truth about him” to all of your friends, family members, and co-workers. I’ve actually seen car dealers go out of business after scamming one too many people in the same city. People don’t mind spreading that kind of truth.

So what’s the problem when it comes to spreading the truth about God’s word? Why are we so silent about key issues regarding our faith? Why do we become like deaf mutes whenever God places an evangelistic prompting in our hearts?

Here’s a good question:

Why are we so silent about the homosexuality issue that is sweeping our very nation right now?

The internet alone is saturated with erroneous biblically ignorant sinners who are promoting the homosexual agenda. The myriad of videos, blogs, articles, movies, books, television shows, commercials that are pushing the homosexual agenda right now is mind boggling. Not because they exist, but because this world is totally sinful and the power/prince of the air has it on lock down. I expect that from them.

What I didn’t expect is the SILENCE and COWARDICE (sort of like a defeated dog with his tail between his legs) of the protestant/evangelical/pentecostal community in the face of one of the most massive attacks on scripture we have ever seen. Homosexual churches are popping up everywhere and deceiving many so fast that even the well known stars of so called “gospel” music are falling for the lie.

“Homosexual christians” are taking their message of this sickening, fake, loveless, so called “equality” inclusion garbage to the streets and we sit back and have our countless praise fests and mega shifts into greater anointings. Father Forgive Us!!!

People are dying!!!! People are being lied to!!! People are speed racing into eternal damnation and what is the church doing about it? NOTHING!!! You know what let me take that back, they are doing something. They are giving into these homosexual terrorist demands see here.

Only a remnant?

We can still Praise the Lord because as it is always in the scriptures, God has a remnant of faithful followers who have not bowed down to baal. And one of our representatives is a strong brother in the Lord. A former New York Giant best known for catching a ridiculous pass to keep a Superbowl winning drive alive . Unbeknownst to me and I’m pretty sure a lot of others as well he is a true bonafied Christian with knowledge of His God’s glorious word. His name is David Tyree! And I’m proud to call him a brother in the Lord!

David Tyree really made a name for himself when he single handedly enraged the gay marriage devotees in New York. Tyree declared (truthfully) that homosexual marriage would lead to anarchy. Praise God for this man and his uncompromising message of truth! SOURCE THE GAY CHRISTIAM MOVEMENT WATCH

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